ctron-vlan-extensions-mib - ctVlanLearningMode

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Cabletron Vlan Learning Mode

This value indicates the type of VLAN learning the device supports. A value of ivl(1) indicates the device supports Independent VLAN Learning (IVL). Configuration and operation of the Learning Process and the Filtering Database such that, for a given set of VLANs, if a given individual MAC address is learnt in one VLAN, that learnt information is not used in forwarding decisions taken for the same address relative to any other VLAN in the given set. This operational mode indicates that all unicast, multicast and broadcast traffic is scoped to a specific VLAN. A value of svl(2) indicates the device supports Shared VLAN Learning (SVL). Configuration and operation of the Learning Process and the Filtering Database such that, for a given set of VLANs, if a given individual MAC address is learnt in one VLAN, that learnt information is used in forwarding decisions taken for the same address relative to any other VLAN in the given set. In a bridge that supports SVL operation, the `given set of VLANS' is the set of all VLANS (1 - 4094). This operational mode allows all unicast traffic to be bridged between VLANS, while scoping all unknown, multicast and broadcast traffic to a specific VLAN. A value of svlivl(3) indicates the device supports both Shared and Independent VLAN learning simultaneously. This operational mode allows learnt information to be shared between those VLANS for which SVL is necessary while also allowing learnt information not to be shared between those VLANS for which IVL is necessary. All three of the aforementioned modes operate by placing VLANs in `sets'. In IVL each VLAN is mapped to a separate set while in SVL each VLAN is mapped to the same set. Accordingly, svlivl is a combination of both. Each set is realized as a separate filter database. Each filter database is uniquely identified by a Filter Database Identifier (FID). The mapping of VLANs to filter databases is defined in the ctVlanIdToFidMapping leaf of the ctVlanConfigTable.

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