etsysPolicyProfilePortVid - Enterasys Policy Profile Port Vid - enterasys-policy-profile-mib

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Enterasys Policy Profile Port Vid

This object defines the PVID of this profile. If a port has an active policy and the policy's etsysPolicyProfilePortVidStatus is set to enabled(1), the etsysPolicyProfilePortVid will be applied to all untagged frames arriving on the port that do not match any of the policy classification rules. Note that the 802.1Q PVID will still exist from a management view but will NEVER be applied to traffic arriving on a port that has an active policy and enabled etsysPolicyProfilePortVid defined, since policy is applied to traffic arriving on the port prior to the assignment of a VLAN using the 802.1Q PVID. The behavior of an enabled etsysPolicyProfilePortVid on any associated port SHALL be identical to the behavior of the dot1qPvid upon that port. Note that two special, otherwise illegal, values of the etsysPolicyProfilePortVid are used in defining the default forwarding actions, to be used in conjunction with policy classification rules, and do not result in packet tagging: 0 Indicates that the default forwarding action is to drop all packets that do not match an explicit rule. 4095 Indicates that the default forwarding action is to forward any packets not matching any explicit rules.

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