
agent_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - agent_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for agent statistics

GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Bytes In
gwiaStatBytesIn (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of message bytes received from GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Messages Out
gwiaStatMsgsOut (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of messages sent to GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Messages In
gwiaStatMsgsIn (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of messages received from GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Statuses Out
gwiaStatStatusesOut (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of statuses sent to GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Statuses In
gwiaStatStatusesIn (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of statuses received from GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Errors Out
gwiaStatErrorsOut (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of failed transfers to GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Time Reset
gwiaStatTimeReset (defined in GWIAMIB)
Time since statistics were reset on GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Interval
gwiaStatInterval (defined in GWIAMIB)
Statistics interval for the GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Interval Messages Out
gwiaStatIntervalMsgsOut (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of messages sent to GroupWise Internet Agent in statistics interval.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Interval Statuses In
gwiaStatIntervalStatusesIn (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of statuses received from GroupWise Internet Agent in statistics interval.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Interval Errors In
gwiaStatIntervalErrorsIn (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of failed transfers from GroupWise Internet Agent in statistics interval.
GroupWise Internet Agent Action Reset Statistics
gwiaActionResetStats (defined in GWIAMIB)
Reset GroupWise Internet Agent statistics.
Acme Packet Combined Statistics Session Agent Index
apCombinedStatsSessionAgentIndex (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
A monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of indexing session agents. When it reaches the maximum value the agent wraps the value back to 1.
Acme Packet Combined Statistics Session Agent Hostname
apCombinedStatsSessionAgentHostname (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
The hostname of the session agent the following statistics are being calculated for
Acme Packet Combined Statistics Session Agent Status
apCombinedStatsSessionAgentStatus (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
The current status of the specified session agent, which is expressed as INS, OOSnonresp, OOSconstraintsviolation, BecomingOOS, or ForcedOOS
Acme Packet Sip Session Agent Statistics Entry
apSipSessionAgentStatsEntry (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
A table entry designed to hold statistics, on a single session agent
Acme Packet Sip Session Agent Statistics Session Agent Hostname
apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
The hostname of the session agent the following statistics are being calculated for
Acme Packet Sip Session Agent Statistics Session Agent Type
apSipSAStatsSessionAgentType (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
The type of the specified Session-Agent, can be either sip or h323
Acme Packet Sip Session Agent Statistics Session Agent Status
apSipSAStatsSessionAgentStatus (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
The current status of the specified session agent, which is expressed as INS, OOSnonresp, OOSconstraintsviolation, BecomingOOS, or ForcedOOS
Acme Packet H323 Session Agent Statistics Session Agent Hostname
apH323SAStatsSessionAgentHostname (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
The hostname of the session agent the following statistics are being calculated for
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Clear Statistics
ctAgentDhcpServerClearStatistics (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
Clears the DHCP server statistics.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Snooping Statistics Reset
ctAgentDhcpSnoopingStatsReset (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpsnooping-mib)
Clear the DHCP snooping statistics on all ports. A value of reset(1) is used to reset the statistics. A read on this object will always return the value none(0). The value none(0) cannot be forcibly set by the administrator.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Snooping Statistics Table
ctAgentDhcpSnoopingStatsTable (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpsnooping-mib)
A table provides the mechanism for statics of DHCP snooping.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Snooping Statistics Entry
ctAgentDhcpSnoopingStatsEntry (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpsnooping-mib)
A row instance contains the DHCP snooping statistics per VLAN.
Cabletron Agent Dai Vlan Statistics Table
ctAgentDaiVlanStatsTable (defined in ct-fastpath-dynamic-arp-inspection-mib)
A table provides the mechanism to control Dynamic ARP Inspection per VLAN. When a VLAN is created in a device supporting this table, a corresponding entry of this table will be added.
Cabletron Agent Dai Vlan Statistics Entry
ctAgentDaiVlanStatsEntry (defined in ct-fastpath-dynamic-arp-inspection-mib)
A row instance contains the Dynamic ARP Inspection statistics per VLAN.
Cabletron Agent Dai Vlan Statistics Index
ctAgentDaiVlanStatsIndex (defined in ct-fastpath-dynamic-arp-inspection-mib)
This object indicates the VLAN number on which Dynamic ARP Inspection statistics are retrieved.
agent Port Clear Statistics
agentPortClearStats (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
Clear stats for this port only
agent Clear Port Statistics
agentClearPortStats (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
clear all port statistics
agent Clear Switch Statistics
agentClearSwitchStats (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
clear all switch statistics
bsn Switching Agent Statistics Group
bsnSwitchingAgentStatsGroup (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
This collection of objects provide switching statistics.
CISCO CASA Forwarding Agent Dispatch Statistics Table
ccfaDispatchStatsTable (defined in CISCO-CASA-FA-MIB)
Table of traffic statistics between this Forwarding Agent and the dispatch IP address. The statistics are gathered by the Forwarding agent and are relative to the Forwarding Agent.
CISCO CASA Forwarding Agent Dispatch Statistics Entry
ccfaDispatchStatsEntry (defined in CISCO-CASA-FA-MIB)
A list of traffic statistics. Entries are added to this table dynamically by the subagent when Fixed Affinities are received from the Appliance indicating a dispatch IP address which is not currently in the table. When there are no Fixed Affinities left which contain ccfaDispatchAddress in the Dispatch Address field, a timer is invoked. The entry is deleted when this timer expires if no new Fixed Affinities are received with the Dispatch Address field equal to ccfaDispatchAddress.

MIBs list