
alias_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - alias_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for alias statistics

Cabletron Alias Table Statistics Total Entries
ctAliasTableStatsTotalEntries (defined in ctron-alias-mib)
The total number of entries in the ctAliasControlTable.
Cabletron Alias Table Statistics Active Entries
ctAliasTableStatsActiveEntries (defined in ctron-alias-mib)
The total number of active entries in the ctAliasControlTable.
Cabletron Alias Table Statistics Purge Time
ctAliasTableStatsPurgeTime (defined in ctron-alias-mib)
System time of the most recent purge.
Cabletron Alias Table Statistics State
ctAliasTableStatsState (defined in ctron-alias-mib)
Current Alias Table state. notStarted(1) indicates the agent has not completed any required start up routines and therefore the ctAliasTable and ctAliasControlTable are not currently valid. ready(2) indicates that the agent has completed all initialization procedures and that the alias MIB is running properly. full(3) indicates that due to memory restrictions on the agent, the ctaliasTable has reached the maximum number of entries possible. NOTE: If an agent is using a circular queue design, then the state of full(3) will never be set.
sfps Topology Directory Statistics Alias Usage
sfpsTopologyDirStatsAliasUsage (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
Total number of bytes used by the aliases in the Directory.
sfps Topology Directory Statistics Alias Table Usage
sfpsTopologyDirStatsAliasTableUsage (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
Number of bytes used for Alias Table.
sfps Topology Directory Statistics Alias Collisions
sfpsTopologyDirStatsAliasCollisions (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
Total number of collisions - Alias Table.
sfps Topology Directory Statistics Alias Longest Chain
sfpsTopologyDirStatsAliasLongestChain (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
sfps Topology Directory Statistics Alias Remotes Replaced
sfpsTopologyDirStatsAliasRemotesReplaced (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
The number of remote entries which had to be replaced in the Directory.
sfps Topology Directory Statistics Alias Multi Port Clears
sfpsTopologyDirStatsAliasMultiPortClears (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
The number of times the Directory entries were cleared for multiple ports. Used for debugging.
sfps Topology Directory Statistics Local Alias Refused
sfpsTopologyDirStatsLocalAliasRefused (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
sfps Directory Alias Statistics Alias Type
sfpsDirAliasStatsAliasType (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
A number which correlates to an alias name.
sfps Directory Alias Statistics Number Of Aliases
sfpsDirAliasStatsNumOfAliases (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
The current number of alias entries of this AliasType.
sfps Directory Alias Statistics Alias Usage
sfpsDirAliasStatsAliasUsage (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
The amount of memory (bytes) used by entries of this alias type.
sfps Directory Alias Statistics Max Aliases
sfpsDirAliasStatsMaxAliases (defined in ctron-sfps-directory-mib)
The maximum number of entries of this Alias Type that have been in the Directory.
sfps Mobility Statistics Originating Nak Alias Count
sfpsMobilityStatsOrigNakAliasCount (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
sfps Mobility Statistics Inter New Alias Response Rec Count
sfpsMobilityStatsInterNewAliasRespRecCount (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
sfps Mobility Statistics Inter New Alias Response Send Count
sfpsMobilityStatsInterNewAliasRespSendCount (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
sfps Directory Lock Statistics Number Alias Locked
sfpsDirLockStatsNumAliasLocked (defined in ctron-sfps-topology-mib)
sfps Dapi Nvram Statistics Alias Entries
sfpsDapiNvramStatsAliasEntries (defined in ctron-sfps-topology-mib)

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