
egress_ports monitor - SNMP

MIBs list

OIDs - egress_ports monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for egress ports

dot1q Tp Group Egress Ports
dot1qTpGroupEgressPorts (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The complete set of ports, in this VLAN, to which frames destined for this Group MAC address are currently being explicitly forwarded. This does not include ports for which this address is only implicitly forwarded, in the dot1qForwardAllPorts list.
dot1q Static Multicast Static Egress Ports
dot1qStaticMulticastStaticEgressPorts (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The set of ports to which frames received from a specific port and destined for a specific Multicast or Broadcast MAC address must be forwarded, regardless of any dynamic information e.g. from GMRP. A port may not be added in this set if it is already a member of the set of ports in dot1qStaticMulticastForbiddenEgressPorts. The default value of this object is a string of ones of appropriate length.
dot1q Static Multicast Forbidden Egress Ports
dot1qStaticMulticastForbiddenEgressPorts (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The set of ports to which frames received from a specific port and destined for a specific Multicast or Broadcast MAC address must not be forwarded, regardless of any dynamic information e.g. from GMRP. A port may not be added in this set if it is already a member of the set of ports in dot1qStaticMulticastStaticEgressPorts. The default value of this object is a string of zeros of appropriate length.
dot1q Vlan Current Egress Ports
dot1qVlanCurrentEgressPorts (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The set of ports which are transmitting traffic for this VLAN as either tagged or untagged frames.
dot1q Vlan Static Egress Ports
dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The set of ports which are permanently assigned to the egress list for this VLAN by management. Changes to a bit in this object affect the per-port per-VLAN Registrar control for Registration Fixed for the relevant GVRP state machine on each port. A port may not be added in this set if it is already a member of the set of ports in dot1qVlanForbiddenEgressPorts. The default value of this object is a string of zeros of appropriate length, indicating not fixed.
dot1q Vlan Forbidden Egress Ports
dot1qVlanForbiddenEgressPorts (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The set of ports which are prohibited by management from being included in the egress list for this VLAN. Changes to this object that cause a port to be included or excluded affect the per-port per-VLAN Registrar control for Registration Forbidden for the relevant GVRP state machine on each port. A port may not be added in this set if it is already a member of the set of ports in dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts. The default value of this object is a string of zeros of appropriate length, excluding all ports from the forbidden set.
els100 Switch Vlan Egress Ports
els100SwitchVlanEgressPorts (defined in ctels100-ng-mib)
The set of ports defined to be on other VLAN's to which tagged packets destined for this specific VLAN should also be sent. Thus, this variable defines ports on the system that reach stations downstream which are on this VLAN and to which traffic may be forwarded. Each octet within the value of this object specifies a set of eight ports, with the first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the second octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit represents the highest numbered port. Thus each port of the system is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that port is included in the VLAN; the port is not included if its bit has a value of '0'.
Cabletron Dot1q Vlan Forbid Egress Ports
ctDot1qVlanForbidEgressPorts (defined in ctron-q-bridge-mib-ext)
The current set of ports which are prohibited from being included in the egress list for this VLAN. This object is a logical combination of dot1qVlanForbiddenEgressPorts and zero or more proprietary methods of forbidding egress on a per port per VLAN basis.
Cabletron Vlan Egress Ports Table
ctVlanEgressPortsTable (defined in ctron-vlan-extensions-mib)
This table provides information pertaining to the egress ports for a particular VLAN.
askey Igmp Snoop Egress Ports
askeyIgmpSnoopEgressPorts (defined in ASKEY-IGMP-SNOOP-MIB)
This read-only object displays the set of ports enabled to forward specific Multicast Group traffic as determined by the IGMP Snooping task. It should be noted that the IGMP Snooping task generates a pseudo- static (i.e., not saved in NVM) port list similar to the RFC2674 Q-MIB 'dot1qStaticMulticastStaticEgressPorts' object. Consequently, a port will not be a member of 'tmsIgmpSnoopEgressPorts' if it is a member of 'dot1qStaticMulticastForbiddenEgressPorts'.
port Base Vlan Current Egress Ports
portBaseVlanCurrentEgressPorts (defined in AT-GS950-8-MIB)
The set of ports which are transmitting traffic for this VLAN as either tagged or untagged frames.
port Base Static Multicast Static Egress Ports
portBaseStaticMulticastStaticEgressPorts (defined in AT-GS950-8-MIB)
The set of ports to which frames received from a specific port and destined for a specific Multicast or Broadcast MAC address must be forwarded, regardless of any dynamic information e.g. from GMRP. A port may not be added in this set if it is already a member of the set of ports in portBaseStaticMulticastForbiddenEgressPorts. The default value of this object is a string of ones of appropriate length.

MIBs list