insertion monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - insertion monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for insertion

Token Ring Port Station Insertion Trap Enable
tRingPortStnInsertionTrapEnable (defined in dot5-log-mib)
A write of enabled to this object permits the port inserted and port deinserted traps to be sent when phantom current has been asserted or removed, respectively, on this station port. A write of disabled prevents the traps from being sent. The default state of this object is disabled.
dot5 Physical Management Port Station Insertion Trap Enable
dot5PhysMgmtPortStnInsertionTrapEnable (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
A write of enabled or disabled to this object permits or inhibits the sending of the port inserted and port deinserted traps when phantom current is asserted or removed, respectively, on this station port, provided the MIM on which this port is resident falls within the domain of the device. If the MIM falls outside of the domain of the device, the SNMP error BadValue will be returned. When read this object will repond with the last write request made. The default state of this object is disabled.
Cisco BERT Error Insertion Rate
cbErrorInsertionRate (defined in CISCO-BERT-MIB)
This object is used for injecting continuous errors into transmitted BERT pattern. The errors are inserted in a BERT pattern sent, in order to do sanity check on receive interface in the event that no bit errors are detected. Injecting errors allows users to stress communication links and to check the functionality of error monitoring equipment along the path. Once set to send continuous errors, errors will be inserted at the configured rate until set to noError(1). The possible values are : noError(1) : no bit errors are inserted. oneInTen(2) : insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit error per 10 bits (10^-1) transmitted. oneInHundred(3) : insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit error per 100 bits (10^-2) transmitted. oneInThousand(4): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit error per 1000 bits (10^-3) transmitted. oneIn10Thousand(5): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit error per 10000 (10^-4) bits transmitted. oneInHundredThousand(6): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit error per 100000 bits (10^-5) transmitted. oneInMillion(7): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit error per 1000000 bits (10^-6) transmitted. oneInTenMillion(8): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit error per 10,000,000 (10^-7)bits transmitted.
Cisco Cable Spectrum Flap Insertion Time
ccsFlapInsertionTime (defined in CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB)
The insertion-time is an empirically derived, worst-case number of seconds which the cable modem requires to complete registration. The time taken by cable modems to complete their registration is measured by the cable operators and this information helps to determine the insertion time. If the cable modem has not completed the registration stage within this insertion-time setting, the cable modem will be inserted into the flap-list.
Cisco Cable Spectrum Flap Insertion Fails
ccsFlapInsertionFails (defined in CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB)
The number of times a Cable Modem registered more frequently than expected. Excessive registration is defined as the presence of a time span between two successive registration cycles which is less than a threshold span (ccsFlapInsertionTime). A Cable Modem may fail the ranging or registration process due to not being able to get an IP address. When the Cable Modem can not finish registration within the insertion time, it retries the process and sends the Initial Maintenance packet again. CMTS will receive the Initial Maintenance packet from the Cable Modem sooner than expected and the Cable Modem is considered a flapping modem. This count may indicate: Intermittent downstream sync loss, or DHCP or modem registration problems. The Flap Count (ccsFlapTotal) will be incremented when this counter is incremented. Discontinuites in the value of this counter can occur if this entry is removed from the table and then re-added, and are indicated by a change in the value of ccsFlapCreateTime.
Cisco Cable Spectrum Flap Insertion Fail Number
ccsFlapInsertionFailNum (defined in CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB)
The number of times a Cable Modem registered more frequently than expected. Excessive registration is defined as the presence of a time span between two successive registration cycles which is less than a threshold span (ccsFlapInsertionTime). A Cable Modem may fail the ranging or registration process due to not being able to get an IP address. When the Cable Modem can not finish registration within the insertion time, it retries the process and sends the Initial Maintenance packet again. CMTS will receive the Initial Maintenance packet from the Cable Modem sooner than expected and the Cable Modem is considered a flapping modem. This object may indicate: Intermittent downstream sync loss, or DHCP or modem registration problems. The Flap number (ccsFlapTotalNum) will be incremented when this object is incremented. This object is going to replace the object ccsFlapInsertionFails and the value of this object can be reset to zero if this entry is removed from the table and then re-added, or if a user resets all the statistical objects for this entry. The value of the object ccsFlapLastResetTime indicates the last reset time.
Cisco Cable Spectrum Cable Modem Flap Insertion Fail Number
ccsCmFlapInsertionFailNum (defined in CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB)
The number of times a Cable Modem registered more frequently than expected. Excessive registration is defined as the presence of a time span between two successive registration cycles which is less than a threshold span (ccsFlapInsertionTime). A Cable Modem may fail the ranging or registration process due to not being able to get an IP address. When the Cable Modem can not finish registration within the insertion time, it retries the process and sends the Initial Maintenance packet again. CMTS will receive the Initial Maintenance packet from the Cable Modem sooner than expected and the Cable Modem is considered a flapping modem. This object may indicate: Intermittent downstream sync loss, or DHCP or modem registration problems. The Flap number (ccsCmFlapTotalNum) will be incremented when this object is incremented. The value of this object can be reset to zero if this entry is removed from the table and then re-added, or if the ccsCmFlapResetNow object was set to true(1). The value of the object ccsCmFlapLastResetTime indicates the last reset time.

MIBs list