
interface_clear_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - interface_clear_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for interface clear statistics

Xylan ATM Interface Clear Port Statistics
xylnatmInterfaceClearPortStats (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
True clears the stats for this port
Xylan ATM Interface Clear Chan Statistics
xylnatmInterfaceClearChanStats (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
True clears the chan stats
Xylan ATM Interface Clear Slot Statistics
xylnatmInterfaceClearSlotStats (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
True clears all the port stats in this slot.
Enterasys Flow Limiting Interface Clear Statistics
etsysFlowLimitingIntfClearStats (defined in enterasys-flow-limiting-mib)
When set to true(1) the following objects in this row MUST be set to zero: etsysFlowLimitingIntfFlowCountMaxTime etsysFlowLimitingIntfFlowCountEvents etsysFlowLimitingIntfSetupRateMax etsysFlowLimitingIntfSetupRateMaxTime etsysFlowLimitingIntfSetupRateCurrent etsysFlowLimitingIntfSetupRateEvents and the etsysFlowLimitingIntfFlowCountMax object MUST be set to the value of the etsysFlowLimitingIntfFlowCountCurrent object. Setting this object to false(2) will have no effect. When read this object will always return false(2).
Enterasys Link Flap Interface Clear Statistics
etsysLinkFlapIntfClearStats (defined in enterasys-link-flap-mib.)
When set to true(1) the following objects: etsysLinkFlapIntfLinkdownCountCurrent etsysLinkFlapIntfLinkdownCountTotal etsysLinkFlapIntfLinkFlapViolations in this row of the etsysLinkFlapInterfaceTable MUST be set to 0 (zero). Setting this object to false(2) will have no effect. When read this object will always return false(2). Maintaining the value of this object across agent reboots is NOT RECOMMENDED.
Cisco Call Applications Application Interface Global Statistics Clear
ccapAppIntfGblStatsClear (defined in CISCO-CALL-APPLICATION-MIB)
Perform resetting of the entire Application Interface stats and/or evtlogs for all the interface types and all the associated servers records. Server records are not purged.

MIBs list