Local Status monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - Local Status monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for local status

ppp Link Status Local MRU
pppLinkStatusLocalMRU (defined in rfc1471)
The current value of the MRU for the local PPP Entity. This value is the MRU that the remote entity is using when sending packets to the local PPP entity. The value of this object is meaningful only when the link has reached the open state (ifOperStatus is up).
ppp Link Status Local To Peer ACC Map
pppLinkStatusLocalToPeerACCMap (defined in rfc1471)
The current value of the ACC Map used for sending packets from the local PPP entity to the remote PPP entity. The value of this object is meaningful only when the link has reached the open state (ifOperStatus is up).
ppp Link Status Peer To Local ACC Map
pppLinkStatusPeerToLocalACCMap (defined in rfc1471)
The ACC Map used by the remote PPP entity when transmitting packets to the local PPP entity. The value of this object is meaningful only when the link has reached the open state (ifOperStatus is up).
ppp Link Status Local To Remote AC Compression
pppLinkStatusLocalToRemoteACCompression (defined in rfc1471)
Indicates whether the local PPP entity will use Address and Control Compression when transmitting packets to the remote PPP entity. The value of this object is meaningful only when the link has reached the open state (ifOperStatus is up).
ppp Link Status Remote To Local AC Compression
pppLinkStatusRemoteToLocalACCompression (defined in rfc1471)
Indicates whether the remote PPP entity will use Address and Control Compression when transmitting packets to the local PPP entity. The value of this object is meaningful only when the link has reached the open state (ifOperStatus is up).
ppp Bridge Media Local Status
pppBridgeMediaLocalStatus (defined in rfc1474)
Indicates whether the local PPP Bridging Entity will accept packets of the protocol type identified in pppBridgeMediaMacType on the PPP link identified by ifIndex or not. If this object is accept then any packets of the indicated MAC type will be received and properly processed. If this object is dont- accept then received packets of the indicated MAC type will not be properly processed.
ppp Bridge Media Config Local Status
pppBridgeMediaConfigLocalStatus (defined in rfc1474)
Indicates whether the local PPP Bridging Entity should accept packets of the protocol type identified in pppBridgeMediaConfigMacType on the PPP link identified by ifIndex or not. Setting this object to the value dont-accept has the affect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the pppBridgeMediaConfigTable object. It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table. Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use. Changing this object will have effect when the link is next restarted.
IBM APPN Node Link Stations Status Xid Local Sense
ibmappnNodeLsStatusXidLocalSense (defined in rfc1593)
The error sense code associated with the rejection of the XID.
local Hw Device Operation Status
localHwDeviceOperStatus (defined in ct-hsimphys-mib)
This object describes the current state of the device.
local Hw Device Admin Status
localHwDeviceAdminStatus (defined in ct-hsimphys-mib)
This object is used by the Network Management System to request a change in the current state of the device.
bsn Local Net User Row Status
bsnLocalNetUserRowStatus (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Row Status
bsn Local Management User Row Status
bsnLocalManagementUserRowStatus (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Row Status
appn Link Station Status Xid Local Sense
appnLsStatusXidLocalSense (defined in APPN-MIB)
The sense data associated with the rejection of the XID. This is the sense data that came from the local node (this node) when it built the XID Negotiation Error control vector (cv22) to send to the remote node.
appn Link Station Status Local Address
appnLsStatusLocalAddr (defined in APPN-MIB)
Local address of this link station.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Local Application Row Status
cdbpLocalApplRowStatus (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
The status of this conceptual row. To create a row in this table, a manager must set this object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5). Until instances of all corresponding columns are appropriately configured, the value of the corresponding instance of the cdsgStatus column is 'notReady'. In particular, a newly created row cannot be made active until the corresponding cdbpLocalApplIndex has been set. cdbpLocalApplIndex may not be modified while the value of this object is active(1): An attempt to set these objects while the value of cdbpLocalApplStatus is active(1) will result in an inconsistentValue error. Entries in this table with cdbpLocalApplStatus equal to active(1) remain in the table until destroyed. Entries in this table with cdbpLocalApplStatus equal to values other than active(1) will be destroyed after timeout (5 minutes).
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Local Vendor Row Status
cdbpLocalVendorRowStatus (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
The status of this conceptual row. To create a row in this table, a manager must set this object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5). Until instances of all corresponding columns are appropriately configured, the value of the corresponding instance of the cdbpLocalVendorRowStatus column is 'notReady'. In particular, a newly created row cannot be made active until the corresponding cdbpLocalVendorId has been set. cdbpLocalVendorId may not be modified while the value of this object is active(1): An attempt to set these objects while the value of cdbpLocalVendorRowStatus is active(1) will result in an inconsistentValue error. Entries in this table with cdbpLocalVendorRowStatus equal to active(1) remain in the table until destroyed. Entries in this table with cdbpLocalVendorRowStatus equal to values other than active(1) will be destroyed after timeout (5 minutes).

MIBs list