
Mac Status monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - Mac Status monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for mac status

pw Mac Filter Status
pwMacFilterStatus (defined in ZYXEL-PROWIRELESS-MIB)
Controls and reflects the status of rows in this the row is active.
snmp Fddi MAC Frame Status Capabilities
snmpFddiMACFrameStatusCapabilities (defined in rfc1285)
A value that indicates the MAC's bridge and end- station capabilities for operating in a bridged FDDI network. The value is a sum. This value initially takes the value zero, then for each capability present, 2 raised to a power is added to the sum. The powers are according to the following table: Capability Power FSC-Type0 0 -- MAC repeats A/C indicators as received on -- copying with the intent to forward. FSC-Type1 1 -- MAC sets C but not A on copying for -- forwarding. FSC-Type2 2 -- MAC resets C and sets A on C set and -- A reset if the frame is not copied and the -- frame was addressed to this MAC FSC-Type0-programmable 8 -- Type0 capability is programmable FSC-Type1-programmable 9 -- Type1 capability is programmable FSC-Type2-programmable 10 -- Type2 capability is programmable REFERENCE ANSI { fddiMAC 11 }
snmp Fddi MAC Current Frame Status
snmpFddiMACCurrentFrameStatus (defined in rfc1285)
A value that indicates the MAC's operational frame status setting functionality. The value is a sum. This value initially takes the value zero, then for each functionality present, 2 raised to a power is added to the sum. The powers are according to the following table: Functionality Power FSC-Type0 0 -- MAC repeats A/C indicators as received FSC-Type1 1 -- MAC sets C but not A on copying for -- forwarding FSC-Type2 2 -- MAC resets C and sets A on C set and A -- reset if frame is not copied REFERENCE ANSI { fddiMAC 63 }
fddimib MAC Frame Status Functions
fddimibMACFrameStatusFunctions (defined in rfc1512)
Indicates the MAC's optional Frame Status processing functions. The value is a sum. This value initially takes the value zero, then for each function present, 2 raised to a power is added to the sum. The powers are according to the following table: function Power fs-repeating 0 fs-setting 1 fs-clearing 2
Enterasys MAC Locking Static Entry Row Status
etsysMACLockingStaticEntryRowStatus (defined in enterasys-mac-locking-mib)
The status column has six defined values: - 'active', which indicates that a row shall also exist or be created in etsysMACLockingStationTable with the same index and the object etsysMACLockingLockedEntryCause in that row shall be static(1); - 'notInService', which indicates the existence or causes the creation of a row in this table. However, no corresponding row shall exist or be created in etsysMACLockingStationTable; - 'notReady', will never be read in any row of this table since existence is the only requirement for this tables rows; - 'createAndGo', which causes a new row to be created in both this table and in the etsysMACLockingStationTable with the same index and the object etsysMACLockingLockedEntryCause shall have the value static(1); - 'createAndWait', which causes a new row to be created in this table. However, no corresponding row shall be created in etsysMACLockingStationTable; and, - 'destroy', which causes the agent to remove this tables row along with the corresponding row in etsysMACLockingStationTable.
bsn Mac Filter Row Status
bsnMacFilterRowStatus (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Row Status
Cisco Access Control List QoS Mac Ace Status
caqMacAceStatus (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
The status of this MAC ACE conceptual row entry. This object is used to manage creation, deletion and modification of rows in this table. An entry may not exist in the active state unless all objects in the entry have an appropriate value. Especially, it cannot be in active state unless the caqMacAceMatchedAction object in the entry point to an active entry (i.e its RowStatus object is active(1)) in the caqQosActionSelectTable or caqSecurityActionTable. Once a row becomes active, value in any other column within such row cannot be modified. If this row is the only ACE in an ACL and the value of its caqMacAclName object matches the value of caqClassifierAclName object in any active entry of the caqClassifierTable, removing this entry will also remove the associated entry in the caqClassifierTable.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Cos Mac Vlan Router Status
caqCosMacVlanRouterStatus (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
The status of this conceptual row entry. This object is used to manage creation, deletion and modification of rows in this table. An entry may not exist in the active state unless all objects in the entry have an appropriate value. Once a row becomes active, value in any other column within such row cannot be modified except by setting caqCosMacVlanRouterStatus to notInService(2) for such row.
Cisco Cluster Status Commander Mac Address
ccStatusCommanderMacAddress (defined in CISCO-CLUSTER-MIB)
The management MAC address of the command switch of the cluster.
cisco Data Link Switching Directory Mac Status
ciscoDlswDirMacStatus (defined in CISCO-DLSW-MIB)
This object specifies whether DLSw currently believes the MAC address to be accessible at the specified location. The value `notReachable' allows a configured resource definition to be taken out of service when a search to that resource fails (avoiding a repeat of the search).
cisco Data Link Switching Directory Mac Row Status
ciscoDlswDirMacRowStatus (defined in CISCO-DLSW-MIB)
This object is used by a Management Station to create or delete the row entry in the ciscoDlswDirMacTable following the RowStatus textual convention.

MIBs list