

enterasys-mac-locking-mib Download

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This MIB module defines the portion of the SNMP enterprise MIBs under Enterasys Networks' enterprise OID pertaining to MAC Locking. This MIB is designed to provide configuration and status objects pertaining to per port MAC Locking.

With the IPHost SNMP tool, you can monitor any SNMP objects of the enterasys-mac-locking-mib . You can select a variable to monitor using the built-in IPHost MIB browser that provides you with all variables, their current values and descriptions taken from the enterasys-mac-locking-mib .

OID list for enterasys-mac-locking-mib

This object is a configuration convenience. While disabled(2), all per port configuration is ignored, but changeable. When set to enabled(1), the per port configuration becomes active.
A table that provides for the configuration of MAC Locking for each port. Regardless of the value of etsysMACLockingSystemEnable, this table is automatically populated with one row per supported port. MAC Locking is not supported on media types whose addr ...
Each conceptual row allows control over whether MAC locking is enabled for the port corresponding to the row. Similarly, each row provides control over whether violation traps are sent. Information in this table is persistent.
The interface number for this row.
When set to enabled(1) any static entries currently created on this port become active and the first n MACs which are received on this port are locked, where n is equal to etsysMACLockingFirstArrivalStationsAllocated. When set to disabled(2), all entries ...
When set to enabled(1), the agent issues violation traps for violations detected by the agent. Arrival of violation traps at the management station is not guaranteed and the trap generation rate is not required to match the violation detection rate. A bes ...
The last source MAC received on this port which was a violation. A violation is defined to be when the maximum number of firstArrival entries exists for this port in the etsysMACLockingStationTable and the source MAC address of the received packet differs ...
The agent sets this number for the benefit of management to use when determining the permissible range of values for the etsysMACLockingFirstArrivalStationsAllocated object. The default value of this object is device dependent.
Management sets this number in the range of 0 to etsysMACLockingFirstArrivalStationsAllowed. This number limits the number of locked MACs on this port using the first arrival method. The default value of this object SHOULD be the same as the default value ...
The agent sets this number for the benefit of management to use when determining the permissible range of values for the etsysMACLockingStaticStationsAllocated object. The default value of this object is device dependent.
Management sets this number in the range of 0 to etsysMACLockingStaticStationsAllowed. This limits the number of statically provisioned, locked MACs on this port. The default value of this object SHOULD be the same as the default value of etsysMACLockingS ...
When set to true(1), moves First Arrival MACs locked on the port, in lexicographical order, into Statically Locked MACs on the port. The move continues until all First Arrival MACs are moved or until the number of allowable static entries (etsysMACLocking ...
Returns the number of Statically Locked MACs currently locked on the port.
When set to true(1), clears out all the Statically Locked MACs on this port. When read this object will always return false(2).
When set to true(1), firstArrival MACs that have aged out of the forwarding database will be removed for the associated port lock
When set to enabled(1), the agent issues syslog messages for violations detected by the agent. Arrival of violation syslog messages at the management station is not guaranteed and the messages generation rate is not required to match the violation detecti ...
When set to enabled(1), the agent issues a trap when the MAC address threshold as defined in the etsysMACLockingFirstArrivalStationsAllocated object has been reached. Arrival of these traps at the management station is not guaranteed and the trap generati ...
When set to enabled(1), the agent issues a syslog message when the MAC address threshold as defined in the etsysMACLockingFirstArrivalStationsAllocated object has been reached. Arrival of these messages is not guaranteed and the message generation rate is ...
This table lists all statically locked MAC addresses for each port. When MAC locking is enabled on a port, all active rows in this table will appear in the etsysMACLockingStationTable with the object etsysMACLockingLockedEntryCause set to static(2). Rows ...
Each conceptual row contains a user specified locked MAC address.
The MAC that has been locked to this port.
The status column has six defined values: - 'active', which indicates that a row shall also exist or be created in etsysMACLockingStationTable with the same index and the object etsysMACLockingLockedEntryCause in that row shall be static(1); - 'notInServi ...
This table lists any locked MAC address for each port along with their entry types. On each port in the system, MACs can be locked. For each MAC locked to a port, a row appears in this table. When MAC locking is enabled on a port, the first n packets rece ...
Each conceptual row contains a locked cause which describes how the MAC was locked on the port. If etsysMACLockingSystemEnable is disabled(2), then this table will be empty. This table contains entries for those ports which have MAC locking enabled and ha ...
When management statically provisions a MAC onto this port, then this object is returns static(1). If this MAC was dynamically locked, then this object returns firstArrival(2). If first arrival aging is enabled on the port and the MAC address is dynamic ...
When this is object is set to true(1) the MAC address specified by the indexing will be removed from etsysMACLockingStationTable. If the etsysMACLockingLockedEntryCause leaf for this table entry is of type static(1), then the associated entry will also b ...
A collection of objects providing global configuration for the MAC Locking feature.
A collection of objects providing port based configuration and status of MAC Locking.
********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED ********** A list of currently locked MACs.
A list of statically provisioned locked MACs. This group is mandatory if static MAC locking is supported, otherwise it is optional.
A collection of objects providing port based configuration of firstArrival MAC Locking.
A collection of objects providing status and configuration of all currently locked MAC addresses.
A collection of objects providing port based configuration and status for MAC Locking syslog messages and notifications.

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