
name_server monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - name_server monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for "name server"

Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Pool Netbios Name Server
ctAgentDhcpServerPoolNetbiosNameServer (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
This specifies the IP address-list of Net BIOS name-servers that are available to DHCP clients (each IP address in this list is separated by comma and the list is terminated by semi-colon), an example would be,,;(no spaces in between).User should enter a 'null' or 'NULL' string to remove current Net BIOS name-server list.
Cabletron Dhcp If Domain Name Server
ctDhcpIfDomainNameServer (defined in ctron-dhcp-mib)
This value is an DHCP option that can be passed to a client by this interface if it is requested as part of the DHCP process. This value is the IP address of the domain name server to be used by the client.
agent Dhcp Scope Netbios Name Server Address 1
agentDhcpScopeNetbiosNameServerAddress1 (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
IP Address of DHCP Scope's Netbios Name Server 1.
agent Dhcp Scope Netbios Name Server Address 2
agentDhcpScopeNetbiosNameServerAddress2 (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
IP Address of DHCP Scope's Netbios Name Server 2.
agent Dhcp Scope Netbios Name Server Address 3
agentDhcpScopeNetbiosNameServerAddress3 (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
IP Address of DHCP Scope's Netbios Name Server 3.
primary Name Server
primaryNameServer (defined in hp-700rx)
The primary name server's IP address in dotted decimal format.
alternate Name Server
alternateNameServer (defined in hp-700rx)
The alternative name server's IP address in dotted decimal format. If no answer is received from the primary name server, the terminal attempts to contact this name server.

MIBs list