
qos_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - qos_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for qos statistics

a3 Com Qos statistics Interval
a3ComQosStatsInterval (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-QOS-MIB)
The time interval, in seconds, over which rate statistics are collected. A value of zero implies absolute (i.e. raw) statistics.
a3 Com Qos Transmit statistics Low Loss packets
a3ComQosXmtStatsLowLossPkts (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-QOS-MIB)
The rate of low loss packets. Low loss packets are packets that are not marked as loss eligible (a3ComQosCtrlConformPktLossEligible object) and are under the threshold. The rate is specified in packets per second.
a3 Com Qos Transmit statistics High Loss packets
a3ComQosXmtStatsHighLossPkts (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-QOS-MIB)
The rate of high loss packets. High loss packets are packets that are marked as loss eligible (a3ComQosCtrlConformPktLossEligible object) and are under the threshold. The rate is specified in packets per second.
a3 Com Qos Transmit High Mark statistics Table
a3ComQosXmtHmStatsTable (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-QOS-MIB)
This table contains QoS transmit high water mark rate statistics. The interval over which the rate is calculated is determined by the value of a3ComQosStatsInterval object.
a3 Com Qos Transmit High Mark statistics Low Loss Delayed packets
a3ComQosXmtHmStatsLowLossDelayedPkts (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-QOS-MIB)
The high mark for low loss delayed packets.
a3 Com Qos receive statistics Conform Bytes Total
a3ComQosRcvStatsConformBytesTotal (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-QOS-MIB)
The total conforming bytes receive rate. The rate is in bytes per second.
a3 Com Qos receive statistics Non Conform Bytes For Flows
a3ComQosRcvStatsNonConformBytesForFlows (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-QOS-MIB)
The non-conforming bytes receive rate for flows. The rate is in bytes per second.
a3 Com Qos receive statistics Dropped packets
a3ComQosRcvStatsDroppedPkts (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-QOS-MIB)
The number of packets dropped. The rate is specified in packets per second.
Acme Packet Sig Realm Statistics Average QoS R Factor
apSigRealmStatsAverageQoSRFactor (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
Average QoS RFactor observed during the period
Acme Packet Sig Realm Statistics Maximum QoS R Factor
apSigRealmStatsMaximumQoSRFactor (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
Average QoS RFactor observed during the period
Acme Packet Sys Management Realm Statistics QoS Group
apSysMgmtRealmStatsQoSGroup (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
Objects to monitor QoS statistics for a realm.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Port Statistics Entry
caqPortStatsEntry (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
An entry contains QoS statistics maintained by the switching engine.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Port Statistics Threshold Number
caqPortStatsThresholdNumber (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
Indicates the threshold number of a queue on the interface for which statistics are collected. For example : if the port type of this interface is 1P2Q2T, this object can be 1, 2.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Port Statistics Dropped Packets
caqPortStatsDropPkts (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
The number of packets have been received then dropped from the interface because they exceeded the threshold value configured at this queue and threshold of this interface.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Port Statistics Dropped Packets Peak Rate
caqPortStatsDropPktsPeakRate (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
The peak rate of packets have been received then dropped from the interface because they exceeded the threshold value configured at this queue and threshold of this interface over the past five minutes.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Flow Statistics Out Of Profile Packets
caqFlowStatsOutOfProfilePackets (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
Indicates the number of out-of-profile packets in this flow.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Arp Inspection Statistics Entry
caqArpInspStatsEntry (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
An entry contains the numbers of packet permitted or denied per ACL.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Qos Statistics Group
caqQosStatsGroup (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
A collection of objects providing the QoS statistics information.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Aggregate Policer Octet Statistics Group
caqAggPolicerOctetStatsGroup (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
A collection of objects providing the QoS statistics information per aggregate policer in unit of octet.
Cisco Class Based Qos Match Stmt Statistics Entry
cbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about Match Statement. Match Statement specific information you can find in this table are : Pre policy pkt/byte counters, and bit rates. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, such as cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex.
Cisco Class Based Qos Police Statistics Table
cbQosPoliceStatsTable (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
This table specifies Police Action related Statistical information.
Cisco Class Based Qos Traffic-Shaping Statistics Entry
cbQosTSStatsEntry (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about traffic-shaping Action. Traffic-shaping Action specific information you can find in this table are : various delay/drop pkt/byte counters, state of feature, and Q size. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, such as cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex.
Cisco Class Based Qos Traffic-Shaping Statistics Delayed Byte64
cbQosTSStatsDelayedByte64 (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
This object represents the 64 bits counter of octets that have been delayed.
Cisco Class Based Qos Traffic-Shaping Statistics Delayed Pkt64
cbQosTSStatsDelayedPkt64 (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
This object represents the 64 bits counter of packets that have been delayed.
Cisco Class Based Qos Traffic-Shaping Statistics Dropped Byte64
cbQosTSStatsDropByte64 (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
This object represents the 64 bits counter of octets that have been dropped during shaping.
Cisco Class Based Qos Traffic-Shaping Statistics Dropped Pkt64
cbQosTSStatsDropPkt64 (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
This object represents the 64 bits counter of packets that have been dropped during shaping.
Cisco Class Based Qos Traffic-Shaping Statistics Active
cbQosTSStatsActive (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
This object indicates the current traffic-shaping state. When traffic-shaping is enabled and the traffic rate exceeds the shape rate, traffic-shaping is considered to be active. Otherwise, it is considered inactive.
Cisco Class Based Qos RED Class Statistics Entry
cbQosREDClassStatsEntry (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about per Precedence WRED Action. per Precedence WRED Action specific information you can find in this table are : Random pkt/byte counters, and Tail drop pkt/byte counters. This table contains per Precedence/dscp based statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, and a per Precedence identifier: cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex and cbQosREDValue.
Cisco Class Based Qos IPHC Statistics Table
cbQosIPHCStatsTable (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
This table specifies IP Header Compression statistical information.
Cisco Class Based Qos Set Statistics Entry
cbQosSetStatsEntry (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
Each entry in this table describes the packets that marked by each marking type. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, namely cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex.
Cisco Class Based Qos EB Statistics Table
cbQosEBStatsTable (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
This table specifies Estimate Bandwidth related statistical information.
Cisco Class Based Qos EB Statistics Corvil EB Status
cbQosEBStatsCorvilEBStatus (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
Boolean to indicate if Corvil EB is ready. true - Bandwidth estimate is available. false - Bandwidth estimate is not available.
Cisco Class Based Qos Class Map Statistics Group
cbQosClassMapStatsGroup (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information.
Cisco Class Based Qos AF Police Statistics Group
cbQosAFPoliceStatsGroup (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
Optional objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information.
Cisco Class Based Qos Police Color Statistics Group
cbQosPoliceColorStatsGroup (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
Optional objects to provide CB QoS Assured Forwarding Policing Color Aware statistical information.
Cisco Dot11 Qos Statistics Table
cdot11QosStatisticsTable (defined in CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB)
This table contains the QoS statistics by traffic queue on each the IEEE 802.11 network interface. This table has a expansion dependent relationship with the ifTable. For each entry in this table, there exists an entry in the ifTable of ifType ieee80211(71).
Cisco Dot11 Qos Statistics Entry
cdot11QosStatisticsEntry (defined in CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB)
Each entry contain QoS statistics for data transmission and receive for each traffic queue on an IEEE 802.11 interface.
Cisco Dot11 Qos If Statistics Table
cdot11QosIfStatisticsTable (defined in CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB)
This table contains the attributes indicating QoS statistics on the IEEE 802.11 interfaces of the device. This table has a sparse dependent relationship with the ifTable. For each entry in this table, there exists an entry in the ifTable of ifType ieee80211(71).
Cisco Dot11 Qos If Statistics Entry
cdot11QosIfStatisticsEntry (defined in CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB)
Each entry contains attributes to support QoS statistics on an IEEE 802.11 interface.

MIBs list