retry_interval monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - retry_interval monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for retry interval

atmx Ces Service First Retry Interval
atmxCesSvcFirstRetryInterval (defined in XYLAN-ATM-CE-MIB)
The time (in 10ths of a second unit) to wait before attempting to establish the SVC after the first failed call attempt. Zero represents an infinite interval indicating no retries.
Xylan ATM Soft P Vpc Retry Interval
xylnatmSoftPVpcRetryInterval (defined in XYLAN-SOFT-PVC-MIB)
Defines the period to wait before attempting to establish the Soft PVPC connection after the first failed call attempt. Zero represents an infinite interval indicating no retries.
Xylan ATM Soft P Virtual Channel Connection Retry Interval
xylnatmSoftPVccRetryInterval (defined in XYLAN-SOFT-PVC-MIB)
Defines the period to wait before attempting to establish the Soft PVC after the first failed call attempt. Zero represents an infinite interval indicating no retries.
bgp Peer Connect Retry Interval
bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval (defined in rfc1657)
Time interval in seconds for the ConnectRetry timer. The suggested value for this timer is 120 seconds.
Cabletron Remote Primary Interface Ent Connect Retry Interval
ctRemPriIntEntConnectRetryInterval (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
This object specifies the interval in seconds between retries for restoring the primary interface.
Cabletron Remote Interface Ent Backup Connect Retry Interval
ctRemIntEntBackupConnectRetryInterval (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
This object specifies the interval in seconds between retries for bringing up backup interface before giving up.
Cisco ATM Soft PVcc Retry Interval
atmSoftPVccRetryInterval (defined in ATM-SOFT-PVC-MIB)
Defines the period to wait before attempting to establish the Soft PVCC after the first failed call attempt. The time to wait between subsequent call attempts may differ to implement a backoff scheme. Zero represents an infinite interval indicating no retries.
Cisco ATM Soft PVpc Retry Interval
atmSoftPVpcRetryInterval (defined in ATM-SOFT-PVC-MIB)
Defines the period to wait before attempting to establish the Soft PVPC after the first failed call attempt. The time to wait between subsequent call attempts may differ to implement a backoff scheme. Zero represents an infinite interval indicating no retries.
bgp Peer Connect Retry Interval
bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval (defined in BGP4-MIB)
Time interval in seconds for the ConnectRetry timer. The suggested value for this timer is 120 seconds.
CISCO BGP4 Peer2 Connect Retry Interval
cbgpPeer2ConnectRetryInterval (defined in CISCO-BGP4-MIB)
Time interval (in seconds) for the ConnectRetry timer. The suggested value for this timer is 120 seconds.
Cisco CDS-TV Ingest Manager Back Office Retry Interval
cdstvIngestMgrBackOfficeRetryInterval (defined in CISCO-CDSTV-INGESTMGR-MIB)
This object specifies the amount of time to wait before retrying a failed communication with the back-office.
cisco Gateway GPRS Support Node Ext Trace Info Tx Fail Retry Interval
cGgsnExtTraceInfoTxFailRetryInterval (defined in CISCO-GGSN-EXT-MIB)
This object represents the time interval between ever retry to transfer the trace information in case of failure.
VPN Policies Ldap Gbl Operation Retry Interval
vpLdapGblOperRetryInterval (defined in ibm-vpnpolicy)
The current operational value of the Retry Interval to use when retrieving policies from the LDAP Server.
VPN Policies Ldap Gbl Admin Retry Interval
vpLdapGblAdminRetryInterval (defined in ibm-vpnpolicy)
The configured Retry Interval in seconds to use when retrieving policies from the LDAP Server.
jnx Bgp M2 Peer Connect Retry Interval
jnxBgpM2PeerConnectRetryInterval (defined in BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER)
Time interval in seconds for the ConnectRetry timer. The suggested value for this timer is 120 seconds.
jnx Bgp M2 Config Peer Connect Retry Interval
jnxBgpM2CfgPeerConnectRetryInterval (defined in BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER)
Time interval in seconds for the ConnectRetry timer. The suggested value for this timer is 120 seconds.

MIBs list