
route_port monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - route_port

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for route port

ipms Forward Destination Port Route Flag
ipmsFwdDstPortRteFlag (defined in IPMS-MIB)
This field contains a flag indicating whether or not this port is in the forwarding table because it is being routed to or not.
PNNIx Route Node Destination Port Id
pnnixRouteNodeDestPortId (defined in XPNNI-MIB)
The port ID of the destination node at which the route terminates. A port ID of zero indicates the node nucleus. When the destination node is represented by the simple node representation, this value should be set to zero.
PNNIx Route Transit Network Advertised Port Id
pnnixRouteTnsAdvertisedPortId (defined in XPNNI-MIB)
The port identifier used from the advertising node to reach the given transit network.
Xylan Pnni Route Test Table Outbound Port
xPnniRtstOutboundPort (defined in XYLANPNNI-MIB)
If error is set to success, this indicates the outbound port of the route lookup confirmation. If this is set to 0, then this indicates the call was placed to this switching system's xPnniNodeIndex. If this is set to 1, then this indicates the call was placed to a reachability which matched this node's summary address. In this event, the IAdj table would be consulted to determine the actual port (if any) where the destination resided. If set to any other value, it indicates the PNNI advertised port of the static route which caused this port to be returned.
dot1d Source Route Port
dot1dSrPort (defined in rfc1525)
The port number of the port for which this entry contains Source Route management information.
dot1d Source Route Port Ste Out Frames
dot1dSrPortSteOutFrames (defined in rfc1525)
The number of spanning tree explorer frames that have been transmitted by this port on its segment.
dot1d Source Route Port Segment Mismatch Discards
dot1dSrPortSegmentMismatchDiscards (defined in rfc1525)
The number of explorer frames that have been discarded by this port because the routing descriptor field contained an invalid adjacent segment value.
dot1d Source Route Port Hop Count Exceeded Discards
dot1dSrPortHopCountExceededDiscards (defined in rfc1525)
The number of explorer frames that have been discarded by this port because the Routing Information Field has exceeded the maximum route descriptor length.
dot1d Source Route Port Duplicate Lan Id Or Tree Errors
dot1dSrPortDupLanIdOrTreeErrors (defined in rfc1525)
The number of duplicate LAN IDs or Tree errors. This helps in detection of problems in networks containing older IBM Source Routing Bridges.
per Port Rtmp Route Deletes
perPortRtmpRouteDeletes (defined in rfc1742)
A count of the number of times RTMP deletes a route on this port because it was aged out of the table.
Cabletron Bridge Source Route Port Pair Table
ctBridgeSrPortPairTable (defined in ctron-bridge-mib)
A table containing information of source and destination port pairs for source routing.
Cabletron Bridge Source Route Port Pair Packets
ctBridgeSrPortPairPackets (defined in ctron-bridge-mib)
The number of packets forward by the source route bridge from the SrcPort to the DestPort.
Cabletron Bridge Source Route Config Port Type
ctBridgeSrConfigPortType (defined in ctron-bridge-mib)
This object selects the type of Bridging performed on a given bridge port. It is used by the bridge to determine if conversion from a Source Routing packet to a Transparent packet or vice verse is required.
Cabletron Translation Source Route Port
ctTransSrPort (defined in ctron-translation-mib)
The MIB-II interface number for which this entry is administering source route configuration management.
Net Link Local Subscriber Route Port
nlLocalSubscriberRoutePort (defined in netlink-specific-mib)
Instance of the port that makes up the routing path
Cisco Blocked Serial Tunneling Route BIP Local Port
bstunRouteBIPLocalPort (defined in CISCO-BSTUN-MIB)
If bstunRouteType is bip then this is the local port used when connecting to the remote peer.
Cisco Blocked Serial Tunneling Route BIP Foreign Port
bstunRouteBIPForeignPort (defined in CISCO-BSTUN-MIB)
If bstunRouteType is bip then this is the for port used to connect to the remote peer.

MIBs list