
station_ports monitor - SNMP

MIBs list

OIDs - station_ports monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for station ports

a3 Com Sys Smt Fddi Station Mode Selectable Ports
a3ComSysSmtFddiStationModeSelectablePorts (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-SMT-MIB)
An implementation specific entry that corresponds to a port pair, based on the hardware implementation. Only ports with a value of 1 are configurable, those with a value of 0 are not.
Token Ring Management Station Ports Enable
tRingMgmtStnPortsEnable (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Setting this object to enable will cause all the station ports on the ring which may be controlled by this device to be enabled. Setting this object to noEnable will have no effect. When read this object will always return noEnable.
Token Ring Management Station Ports On
tRingMgmtStnPortsOn (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns the total number of enabled station ports on this ring which may be controlled by this device.
Token Ring Port Group Station Ports Enable
tRingPortGrpStnPortsEnable (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Setting this object to enable will cause all the station ports in this port group to be enabled. Setting this object to noEnable will have no effect on the station ports in this port group. When read this object will always return noEnable.
Token Ring Port Group Station Ports On
tRingPortGrpStnPortsOn (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns the total number of enabled station ports in this port group.
dot5 Physical Management Device Station Ports Enable
dot5PhysMgmtDeviceStnPortsEnable (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
Setting this object to enable will cause all the token ring station ports residing within the domain of this device to be enabled. Setting this object to noEnable will have no effect. When read this object will always return noEnable.
dot5 Physical Management Device Station Ports On
dot5PhysMgmtDeviceStnPortsOn (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
Returns the total number of administratively enabled token ring station ports contained within the chassis in which the managing device resides. This count does not include ports residing on MIM boards outside of the domain of the managing device.
dot5 Physical Management Board Dot5 Station Ports Enable
dot5PhysMgmtBoardDot5StnPortsEnable (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
Setting this object to enable will cause all the token ring station ports residing on this MIM board to be enabled, provided this MIM falls within the domain of the device. If the MIM falls outside of the domain of the device, the SNMP error BadValue will be returned. Setting this object to noEnable will have no effect. When read this object will always return noEnable.
dot5 Physical Management Board Dot5 Station Ports On
dot5PhysMgmtBoardDot5StnPortsOn (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
Returns the total number of adminstratively enabled token ring station ports residing on this MIM board. If this MIM falls outside of the domain of the managing device, then this count will be zero.

MIBs list