
statistics_cells monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - statistics_cells

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for statistics cells

atmx Ces Virtual Channel Connection Statistics Suppressed Tx Cells
atmxCesVccStatsSuppressedTxCells (defined in XYLAN-ATM-CE-MIB)
The total number of cells that are not sent because of line resynchronization.
atmx Ces Virtual Channel Connection Statistics Rx Cells
atmxCesVccStatsRxCells (defined in XYLAN-ATM-CE-MIB)
The total number of cells received and played out to circuit emulation port.
atmx Layer Statistics Tx Cells
atmxLayerStatsTxCells (defined in XYLAN-ATM-MIB)
The total number of successfully transmitted cells.
atmx Layer Statistics Rx Cells
atmxLayerStatsRxCells (defined in XYLAN-ATM-MIB)
The total number of successfully received cells.
Xylan ATM Interface Statistics Rx Cells
xylnatmInterfaceStatRxCells (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The total number of Received Cells at this interface (OC3, OC12, ATM25...)
Xylan ATM Interface Statistics Tx Cells
xylnatmInterfaceStatTxCells (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The total number of transmitted cells at this interface
Xylan ATM Interface Statistics Dx Congestion Clp 0 Cells
xylnatmInterfaceStatDxCongClp0Cells (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The number of Clp0 cells discarded due to congestion
Xylan ATM Interface Statistics Dx Gcra Clp 0 Cells
xylnatmInterfaceStatDxGcraClp0Cells (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The total number of Clp0 cells discarded due to policing on Clp0+1 cells
Xylan ATM Vcl Statistics Rx Clp 1 Cells
xylnatmVclStatRxClp1Cells (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The total number of received cells with Clp1 received on this connection identified by slot/port/vpi/vci
Xylan ATM Vcl Statistics Dx Congestion Clp 0 Cells
xylnatmVclStatDxCongClp0Cells (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The total number of cell loss priority zero cells discarded on this connection at this interface identified by the slot/port due to congestion
Xylan ATM Vcl Statistics Dx Gcra Clp 0 Cells
xylnatmVclStatDxGcraClp0Cells (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The number of Clp0 cells discarded on this connection due to policing on Clp0+1 cells
Xylan ATM Vpl Statistics Rx Cells
xylnatmVplStatRxCells (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The total number of cells received on this connection identified by the slot/port/vpi
Xylan ATM Vpl Statistics Dx Gcra B Clp 0 Cells
xylnatmVplStatDxGcraBClp0Cells (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The number of Clp0 cells discarded on this connection due to policing on Clp0+1 cells
cbr DS1E1 New ATM Statistics Tx Cells
cbrDS1E1NewATMStatsTxCells (defined in 3comab9300)
This object indicates the total number of ATM cells transmitted over the T1/E1 ATM VC connection since the last ATM VC clear time and date.
cbr DS1E1 New ATM Statistics OAM Rx Cells
cbrDS1E1NewATMStatsOAMRxCells (defined in 3comab9300)
This object indicates the total number of OAM cells received over the specified T1/E1 ATM VC connection since the last ATM VC clear time and date.
ctx ATM Statistics Rx Cells
ctxATMStatsRxCells (defined in 3comab9300)
This object indicates the total number of ATM cells received over the CTX ATM VC connection since the last ATM VC clear time and date.
inb Statistics Uni Cast Cells
inbStatsUniCastCells (defined in ctinb-mib)
Number of UniCast INB cells received from the backplane.
inb Statistics Multi Cast Cells
inbStatsMultiCastCells (defined in ctinb-mib)
Number of multi-cast INB cells received from the backplane.
inb Statistics Broad Cast Cells
inbStatsBroadCastCells (defined in ctinb-mib)
Number of broadcast INB cells received from the backplane.
inb Statistics Transmit Cells
inbStatsXmitCells (defined in ctinb-mib)
Number of INB cells transmitted to the backplane.
sfcs ANIM Statistics Rx Cells
sfcsANIMStatsRxCells (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the number of cells received from this ANIM's interfaces.
sfcs Cnx Statistics Low To high H Tx Cells
sfcsCnxStatsLoToHiHTxCells (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the transmitted cell count for this connection. This entry specifies the count from the low port/vpi/vci to the high port/vpi/vci
sfcs Cnx Statistics high To Low H Tx Cells
sfcsCnxStatsHiToLoHTxCells (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the transmitted cell count for this connection. This entry specifies the count from the high port/vpi/vci to the low port/vpi/vci
sfcs CTM Queue Statistics Tx Clp Cells Discarded
sfcsCTMQueueStatsTxClpCellsDiscarded (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the number of cells with CLP=1 that were discarded for this queue instance.
Cisco ATM Forum Atm Statistics Received Cells
atmfAtmStatsReceivedCells (defined in ATM-FORUM-MIB)
This object should not be implemented except as required for backward compatibility with version 3.1 of the UNI specification.
Cisco ATM Forum Atm Statistics Dropped Received Cells
atmfAtmStatsDroppedReceivedCells (defined in ATM-FORUM-MIB)
This object should not be implemented except as required for backward compatibility with version 3.1 of the UNI specification.
Cisco ATM Forum Atm Statistics Transmitted Cells
atmfAtmStatsTransmittedCells (defined in ATM-FORUM-MIB)
This object should not be implemented except as required for backward compatibility with version 3.1 of the UNI specification.
Cisco ATM Statistics Cells
atmStatsCells (defined in ATM-RMON-MIB)
The total number of error-free cells detected on all ATM connections on behalf of this portSelectGroup collection. Note that a particular cell may only cause this counter to increment once, even if multiple criteria is met for inclusion in this portSelectGroup.

MIBs list