
statistics_drops monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - statistics_drops

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for statistics drops

inb Statistics To Fps Drops
inbStatsToFpsDrops (defined in ctinb-mib)
INBC receive fifo full count. This represents the number of cells that were not forwarded to the FPS.
inb Statistics To INB Drops
inbStatsToINBDrops (defined in ctinb-mib)
Number of FPSC recv frame drop count. This represents the number of frames that were not sent out on the INB backplane.
sfps Anib Ifo Statistics PCS Pool Drops
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSPoolDrops (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
sfps Anib Ifo Statistics Pool Ilmi Drops
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPoolIlmiDrops (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
sfps Anib Ifo Statistics Pool Uni Drops
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPoolUniDrops (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
sfps Anib Ifo Statistics Pool Lane Drops
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPoolLaneDrops (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
sfps Anib Ifo Statistics Standby Le Arps Drops
sfpsAnibIfoStatsStandbyLeArpsDrops (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
sfps Anib Ifo Statistics Standby Unknowns Drops
sfpsAnibIfoStatsStandbyUnknownsDrops (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
sfps Anib Ifo Statistics Standby ANIB Unknowns Drops
sfpsAnibIfoStatsStandbyANIBUnknownsDrops (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
sfps Mobility Statistics Retry Drops
sfpsMobilityStatsRetryDrops (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
ALTIGA Sep Module Statistics Packet Drops
alSepModuleStatsPacketDrops (defined in ALTIGA-SEP-STATS-MIB)
The number of packets intended for SEP processing, dropped due to the SEP ring being full.
ALTIGA Sync Statistics Tx Ring Full Drops Errors
alSyncStatsTxRingFullDropsErrors (defined in ALTIGA-SYNC-STATS-MIB)
The number of frames dropped on this HDLC interface because the transmit ring was full.

MIBs list