
statistics_interval monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - statistics_interval monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for statistics interval

GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Interval Messages In
gwiaStatIntervalMsgsIn (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of messages received from GroupWise Internet Agent in statistics interval.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Interval Statuses Out
gwiaStatIntervalStatusesOut (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of statuses sent to GroupWise Internet Agent in statistics interval.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Interval Errors In
gwiaStatIntervalErrorsIn (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of failed transfers from GroupWise Internet Agent in statistics interval.
GroupWise SMTP Statistics Interval
gwsmtpStatInterval (defined in GWSMTPMIB)
Statistics interval for the GroupWise SMTP Gateway.
GroupWise SMTP Statistics Interval Messages Out
gwsmtpStatIntervalMsgsOut (defined in GWSMTPMIB)
The number of messages sent to GroupWise SMTP in statistics interval.
GroupWise SMTP Statistics Interval Statuses Out
gwsmtpStatIntervalStatusesOut (defined in GWSMTPMIB)
The number of statuses sent to SMTP in statistics interval.
GroupWise SMTP Statistics Interval Errors Out
gwsmtpStatIntervalErrorsOut (defined in GWSMTPMIB)
The number of failed transfers to SMTP in statistics interval.
a3 Com Qos statistics Interval
a3ComQosStatsInterval (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-QOS-MIB)
The time interval, in seconds, over which rate statistics are collected. A value of zero implies absolute (i.e. raw) statistics.
Enterasys Policy Rule Statistics Auto Clear Interval
etsysPolicyRuleStatsAutoClearInterval (defined in enterasys-policy-profile-mib)
The interval at which the device will automatically clear rule usage statistics, in minutes. This ability is disabled (usage statistics will not be automatically cleared) if set to zero(0). This ability is further scoped to the list of ports defined by etsysPolicyRuleStatsAutoClearPorts. This leaf is optional and will have no effect on an agent which has rule use accounting disabled or does not support rule use accounting.
Cisco ATM cell layer Interval Statistics Table
caclIntervalStatsTable (defined in CISCO-ATM-CELL-LAYER-MIB)
The ATM Cell layer interval stats table. This table contains statistics for the current (incomplete) interval and upto 96 previous (completed) 15-minute intervals.
Cisco ATM cell layer X Interval Statistics Table
caclXIntervalStatsTable (defined in CISCO-ATM-CELL-LAYER-MIB)
The ATM Cell layer interval stats table. This table contains statistics for the current (incomplete) interval and upto 96 previous (completed) 15-minute intervals.
Cisco ATM cell layer Interval Statistics MIB Group
caclIntervalStatsMIBGroup (defined in CISCO-ATM-CELL-LAYER-MIB)
A collection of interval statistics.
Cisco ATM cell layer HC Interval Statistics MIB Group
caclHCIntervalStatsMIBGroup (defined in CISCO-ATM-CELL-LAYER-MIB)
A collection of interval statistics.
Cisco ATM Virtual Interface Ingress Interval Statistics MIB Group
caviIngressIntervalStatMIBGroup (defined in CISCO-ATM-VIRTUAL-IF-MIB)
These are objects related to the ingress ATM virtual interface statistics.
CISCO Express Forwarding Configuration Traffic Statistics Load Interval
cefCfgTrafficStatsLoadInterval (defined in CISCO-CEF-MIB)
The interval time over which the CEF traffic statistics are collected.
Cisco Dns Performance Statistics Interval Group
cDnsPerfStatsIntervalGroup (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
A collection of objects providing interval performance stats for a DNS name server.
Cisco Dns Security Statistics Interval Group
cDnsSecurityStatsIntervalGroup (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
A collection of objects providing interval security stats for a DNS name server.
Cisco Dns Ha Statistics Interval Group
cDnsHaStatsIntervalGroup (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
A collection of objects providing interval HA DNS counter stats for a DNS name server.

MIBs list