stp_port_state monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - stp_port_state

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for stp port state

dot1d Stp Port State
dot1dStpPortState (defined in BRIDGE-MIB)
The port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken(6) state. For ports which are disabled (see dot1dStpPortEnable), this object will have a value of disabled(1).
v Stp Port State
vStpPortState (defined in XYLAN-VLAN-MIB)
The port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. For ports which are disabled (see vStpPortEnable), this object will have a value of disabled(1). Xylan does not support the broken(6) state as defined in RFC1493.
dot1d Stp Port State
dot1dStpPortState (defined in rfc1493)
The port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken(6) state. For ports which are disabled (see dot1dStpPortEnable), this object will have a value of disabled(1).
Cabletron Pvst Stp Port State
ctPvstStpPortState (defined in ctron-bridge-mib)
The port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken(6) state. For ports which are disabled (see ctPvstStpPortEnable), this object will have a value of disabled(1).

MIBs list