
Temperature Status monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - Temperature Status monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for temperature status

environmental monitor Temperature Status Table
apEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable (defined in ACMEPACKET-ENVMON-MIB)
The table of ambient temperature status maintained by the environmental monitor.
environmental monitor Temperature Status Entry
apEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry (defined in ACMEPACKET-ENVMON-MIB)
An entry in the ambient temperature status table, representing the status of the associated testpoint maintained by the environmental monitor.
environmental monitor Temperature Status Index
apEnvMonTemperatureStatusIndex (defined in ACMEPACKET-ENVMON-MIB)
Unique index for the testpoint being instrumented. This index is for SNMP purposes only, and has no intrinsic meaning.
environmental monitor Temperature Status Type
apEnvMonTemperatureStatusType (defined in ACMEPACKET-ENVMON-MIB)
The entity part type from which the temperature value is from
environmental monitor Temperature Status Description
apEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr (defined in ACMEPACKET-ENVMON-MIB)
Textual description of the temperature being instrumented. This description is a short textual label, suitable as a human-sensible identification for the rest of the information in the entry.
environmental monitor Temperature Status Value
apEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue (defined in ACMEPACKET-ENVMON-MIB)
The current measurement of the testpoint being instrumented.
Compaq CR3500 RAID Controller EMU Board Temperature Status
cpqCrEMUBoardTemperatureStatus (defined in CPQCR)
Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) Board Temperature status. The System Board Temperature status as determined by the EMU is: Not Installed (2) The board temperature can not be detected in the unit. Normal (3) The board temperature detected by the EMU is normal. Below Normal (4) The board temperature detected by the EMU is below normal. Above Normal (5) The board temperature detected by the EMU is above normal. Far Below Normal (6) The board temperature detected by the EMU is far below normal. Far Above Normal (7) The board temperature detected by the EMU is far above normal. Back To Normal (8) The board temperature detected by the EMU has returned to normal.
Compaq CR3500 RAID Controller EMU Enclosure Temperature Status
cpqCrEMUEnclosureTemperatureStatus (defined in CPQCR)
Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) Enclosure Temperature status. The Enclosure Housing Temperature status as determined by the EMU is: Not Installed (2) The enclosure temperature can not be detected in the unit. Normal (3) The enclosure temperature detected by the EMU is normal. Below Normal (4) The enclosure temperature detected by the EMU is below normal. Above Normal (5) The enclosure temperature detected by the EMU is above normal. Far Below Normal (6) The enclosure temperature detected by the EMU is far below normal. Far Above Normal (7) The enclosure temperature detected by the EMU is far above normal. Back To Normal (8) The enclosure temperature detected by the EMU has returned to normal.
Compaq CR3500 RAID Controller EMU Temperature Status
cpqCrEMUTemperatureStatus (defined in CPQCR)
Primary enclosure temperature status. The primary enclosure temperature status is: OK (2) Status is normal. Critical (3) Controller temperature sensor has detected a critical temperature condition in the primary enclosure. Non-critical (4) Controller temperature sensor has detected an abnormal temperature condition in the primary enclosure. Unknown (5) Information unavailable.
Compaq CR3500 RAID Controller Expansion Cabinet Temperature Status
cpqCrExpCabTemperatureStatus (defined in CPQCR)
Expansion Cabinet temperature status. The expansion cabinet temperature status is: OK (2) Status is normal. Critical (3) Critical temperature condition reported. Non-Critical (4) Warning temperature condition reported. Not Installed (5) Temperature valid bit not set. Unknown (6) Information unavailable.

MIBs list