
SNMP threshold_alarms monitoring

MIBs list

SNMP threshold_alarms monitoring

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for threshold alarms

Token Ring Alarms Ring AMP Errors Threshold
tRingAlarmsRingAMPErrsThreshold (defined in dot5-log-mib)
The threshold alarm value for Active Monitor Errors. Valid ranges are 1 to 1800 with a default value of 1.
Token Ring Alarms Ring Token Errors Threshold
tRingAlarmsRingTokenErrsThreshold (defined in dot5-log-mib)
The threshold alarm value for Token Errors. Valid ranges are 5 to 7200 with a default value of 10.
Token Ring Alarms Ring Claim Tkn Threshold
tRingAlarmsRingClaimTknThreshold (defined in dot5-log-mib)
The threshold alarm value for Claim Tokens. Valid ranges are 1 to 7200 with a default value of 5.
Token Ring Alarms Ring Lost Frames Threshold
tRingAlarmsRingLostFramesThreshold (defined in dot5-log-mib)
The threshold alarm value for Lost Frames. Valid ranges are 5 to 7200 with a default value of 10.
Token Ring Alarms Station Threshold Table
tRingAlarmsStnThrshTable (defined in dot5-log-mib)
A list of threshold alarm objects pertaining to the stations participating in the ring poll process on this ring.
Token Ring Alarms Station Threshold Entry
tRingAlarmsStnThrshEntry (defined in dot5-log-mib)
A list of threshold alarm objects pertaining to a station participating in the ring poll process on this ring.
Token Ring Alarms Station Threshold Address
tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns the address of the station to which the information in this table pertains.
Token Ring Alarms Station Threshold Line Errors Threshold
tRingAlarmsStnThrshLineErrsThreshold (defined in dot5-log-mib)
The threshold alarm value for Line Errors. Valid ranges are 1 to 3600 with a default value of 2.
Repeater Alarms Traffic Threshold
rptrAlarmsTrafThreshold (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
The maximum number of packets that will be allowed before an alarm is generated.
Repeater Alarms Collision Threshold
rptrAlarmsCollThreshold (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
The collision threshold is the maximum number of collisions within the time base that will be allowed before an alarm is generated.
Repeater Alarms Error Threshold
rptrAlarmsErrThreshold (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
The percentage of errors per good packet within the timebase that will cause an alarm. The units of this value is in seconds.
Repeater Alarms Broad Threshold
rptrAlarmsBroadThreshold (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
The broadcase threshold represents the maximum number of broadcasts that are allowed during the time base before an alarm is generated.
ad Gen AOS Ds1 Threshold Alarms
adGenAOSDs1ThresholdAlarms (defined in ADTRAN-AOS-DS1-EXT)
This object describes the various DS1 error thresholds that are presently crossed. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinBES(0)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for bursty errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinCSS(1)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for controlled slip seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinDM(2)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for degraded minutes has been reached The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinES(3)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinLCV(4)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for line code violations has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinLES(5)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for line errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinPCV(6)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for path coding violations has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinSES(7)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for severely errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinSEFS(8)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for serverly errored framing seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinUAS(9)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for unavailable seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrBES(10)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for bursty errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrCSS(11)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for controlled slip seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrDM(12)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for degraded minutes has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrES(13)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrLCV(14)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for line code violations has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrLES(15)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for line errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrPCV(16)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for path code violations has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrSES(17)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for severely errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrSEFS(18)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for severely errored framing seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrUAS(19)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for unavailable seconds has been reached.
ad Gen AOS Ds1 Previous Threshold Alarms
adGenAOSDs1PreviousThresholdAlarms (defined in ADTRAN-AOS-DS1-EXT)
This object describes the various DS1 error thresholds that were crossed before the last threshold change. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinBES(0)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for bursty errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinCSS(1)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for controlled slip seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinDM(2)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for degraded minutes has been reached The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinES(3)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinLCV(4)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for line code violations has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinLES(5)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for line errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinPCV(6)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for path coding violations has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinSES(7)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for severely errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinSEFS(8)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for serverly errored framing seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached15MinUAS(9)' indicates that the 15 minute threshold for unavailable seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrBES(10)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for bursty errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrCSS(11)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for controlled slip seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrDM(12)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for degraded minutes has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrES(13)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrLCV(14)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for line code violations has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrLES(15)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for line errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrPCV(16)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for path code violations has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrSES(17)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for severely errored seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrSEFS(18)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for severely errored framing seconds has been reached. The bit 'ds1ThresholdReached24HrUAS(19)' indicates that the 24 hour threshold for unavailable seconds has been reached.

MIBs list