
timeouts_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - timeouts_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for timeouts statistics

x25 Statistics Restart Timeouts
x25StatRestartTimeouts (defined in rfc1382)
The number of times the T20 restart timer expired.
x25 Statistics Call Timeouts
x25StatCallTimeouts (defined in rfc1382)
The number of times the T21 call timer expired.
x25 Statistics Reset Timeouts
x25StatResetTimeouts (defined in rfc1382)
The number of times the T22 reset timer expired.
x25 Statistics Clear Timeouts
x25StatClearTimeouts (defined in rfc1382)
The number of times the T23 clear timer expired.
x25 Statistics Data Rxmt Timeouts
x25StatDataRxmtTimeouts (defined in rfc1382)
The number of times the T25 data timer expired.
x25 Statistics Interrupt Timeouts
x25StatInterruptTimeouts (defined in rfc1382)
The number of times the T26 interrupt timer expired.
voice Statistics Call Timeouts
voiceStatsCallTimeouts (defined in netlink-specific-mib)
The Number of calls which transmitted time-out to the network.
ALTIGA Certificate Statistics Server Certificate Timeouts
alCertStatsServerCertTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-CERT-STATS-MIB)
The total number of certificate timeouts to this server since client startup.
ALTIGA Certificate Statistics Server CRL Timeouts
alCertStatsServerCRLTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-CERT-STATS-MIB)
The total number of CRL timeouts to this server since client startup.
ALTIGA Dhcp Server Statistics Request Timeouts
alDhcpServerStatsReqTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The number of request timeouts that occurred.
ALTIGA Dhcp Statistics T1 Timeouts
alDhcpStatsT1Timeouts (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-STATS-MIB)
The number of T1 timeouts that occurred.
ALTIGA Dhcp Statistics T2 Timeouts
alDhcpStatsT2Timeouts (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-STATS-MIB)
The number of T2 timeouts that occurred.
ALTIGA Dhcp Statistics Lease Timeouts
alDhcpStatsLeaseTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-STATS-MIB)
The number of leases that expired.
ALTIGA Ftp Client Statistics Timeouts
alFtpClientStatsTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-FTP-STATS-MIB)
The total number of FTP client command/response timeouts since boot.
ALTIGA L2tp Statistics Tunnel Control Ack Timeouts
alL2tpStatsTunnelControlAckTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-L2TP-STATS-MIB)
This object returns a count of the number of control packet timeouts due to the lack of a timely acknowledgement from the tunnel peer.
ALTIGA L2tp Statistics Session Ack Timeouts
alL2tpStatsSessionAckTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-L2TP-STATS-MIB)
This object returns the total number of acknowledgement timeouts seen on payload packets for this session.
ALTIGA L2tp Statistics Session Reassembly Timeouts
alL2tpStatsSessionReassemblyTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-L2TP-STATS-MIB)
This object returns the number of reassembly time outs that have occured for this session.
Statistics If PADI Timeouts
alPPPoEStatsIfPADITimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-PPPOE-STATS-MIB)
Number of times timedout waiting for a PADO.
Statistics If PADR Timeouts
alPPPoEStatsIfPADRTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-PPPOE-STATS-MIB)
Number of times timed out waiting for a PADS.
ALTIGA Pptp Statistics Session Ack Timeouts
alPptpStatsSessionAckTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-PPTP-STATS-MIB)
This object returns the total number of acknowledgement timeouts seen on payload packets for this session.

MIBs list