utilization_interval monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - utilization_interval monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for utilization interval

Cabletron Inb Utilization Interval
ctInbUtilInterval (defined in ctinb2-mib)
The length of the sampling interval in seconds used for all INB utilization measurements and calculations.
Cisco Cable WIDEBAND RF Chan Utilization Interval
ccwbRFChanUtilInterval (defined in CISCO-CABLE-WIDEBAND-MIB)
The time interval in seconds over which the RF channels utilization index is calculated. All RF channels use the same interval. Setting a value of zero disables utilization reporting. This value should be persisted accross CMTS reinitializations.
Cisco Catalyst 6000 Crossbar Traffic Monitor Switch Bus Utilization Interval
cc6kxbarTMSwBusUtilInterval (defined in CISCO-CAT6K-CROSSBAR-MIB.)
Specifies the interval at the end of which the switching bus traffic utilization is compared against cc6kxbarTMSwBusUtilThreshold.
Cisco Catalyst 6000 Crossbar Traffic Monitor Switch Bus Utilization Log Interval
cc6kxbarTMSwBusUtilLogInterval (defined in CISCO-CAT6K-CROSSBAR-MIB.)
Specifies the logging interval if the switching bus traffic utilization keeps staying above the cc6kxbarTMSwBusUtilThreshold.
Cisco Catalyst 6000 Crossbar Traffic Monitor Channel Utilization Interval
cc6kxbarTMChUtilInterval (defined in CISCO-CAT6K-CROSSBAR-MIB.)
Specifies the interval at the end of which the traffic utilization on a fabric channel for a given traffic direction is compared against its corresponding cc6kxbarTMChUtilThreshold.
Cisco Catalyst 6000 Crossbar Traffic Monitor Channel Utilization Log Interval
cc6kxbarTMChUtilLogInterval (defined in CISCO-CAT6K-CROSSBAR-MIB.)
Specifies the logging interval if the traffic utilization for a fabric channel on a given traffic direction keeps staying above its corresponding cc6kxbarTMChUtilThreshold.
Cisco Entity Packet Forwarding Engine Performance Interval Utilization
cePfePerfIntervalUtilization (defined in CISCO-ENTITY-PFE-MIB)
The percentage of processor utilization by the PFE pipeline during this completed 15 min interval.

MIBs list