This is a major release, with multiple improvements and new features. The short list is below.
Support for nested host groups has been added. New Host Group dialog allows to create a host group either as a top-level group for a local or remote agent, or as a sub-group of another group.
Added new monitor type, Email Round-Trip monitor: it sends an e-mail message to given address using SMTP, checks that it has been delivered using either POP3 or IMAP, and then deletes the message. This way it makes sure that e-mail servers work correctly from user point of view. The monitor returns operation time in milliseconds.
New Python script monitor, as well as Python script action are now available. Bundled Python 3.6.4 is used by default to interpret user-provided scripts, or another Python interpreter can be specified in “Settings > Monitoring”.
View “By dependency” has been added to the IPHost Network Monitor client application and Web interface. Now you can view monitor dependency tree with icons indicating dependency type of each dependent monitor.
Templates for MS Sharepoint Server 2016 and Active Directory Domain Controller on MS Windows Server 2016 have been added.
Security hardening: TLS 1.2 is enforced on a communication link between Monitoring Service and Remote Agents – medium and weak strength ciphers are prohibited; also, TRACE / TRACK HTTP verbs have been disabled in Web server configuration, most statistics from status module are no longer disclosed.
You can read the complete list of new features and enhancements in release notes.