Printer SNMP monitor | IPHost Network Monitor

Printer SNMP monitor

Monitoring printer devices

IPHost Network Monitor allows you to test and monitor performance parameters of network printers. You can select what variable to monitor using built-in MIB browser that provides you with all variables supported by printer, their current values and descriptions taken from MIBs.

Modern printers exist in many sizes and interact with computer devices via multiple protocols, including wireless communication. Network printers are installed as separate network-connected devices (traditional printers interface with a single computer device, although access to their functions may be shared across network.

Most network printers support SNMP, to both inquire device state and control some of its functions remotely.

3D printers are not yet common (haven’t yet achieved a status of personal, affordable devices), yet they can create items of many types, from cakes and other comestibles to artificial body parts and organs replacements.

Hard copies of documents, mailed between people, was the first most popular use. As email and other means of digital communication evolved, this use significantly dwindled and is used very rarely.

Creating backup copies of documents is still most popular use for printers; they are also used as copiers, allowing to efficiently publish documents, books and other printed forms quickly and in small circulation amounts.

Typical printers monitoring use cases

Beyond gathering typical system health data and doing basic presence checks, monitoring printers can be used to

  • checking for possible supplies going low (paper, toner etc) and alerting relevant people in charge to do replenishment
  • check for possible firmware issues (such as using out-of-date version) and notify corresponding administrators to do upgrades
  • detect unusual printer activity, alerting security-related people in charge

SNMP printer monitoring template

There’s a Hewlett-Packard printers state monitoring application template on template community site.

List of MIBs used to monitor printer devices

A list of several MIBs used to monitor printer devices is below:

    MIB module for Parallel-printer-like hardware devices.
    MIB module for management of printers.
    IANA basic SNMP definitions for printer devices.
    Hewlett-Packard definitions for LaserJet series devices.

You can start Printer SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost Network Monitor right now. With IPHost SNMP monitor you can monitor network performance, audit network usage, detect network faults, or inappropriate access. The IPHost’s SNMP monitor can communicate and interact with any SNMP-enabled device.

Free 30-day trial version of IPHost Network Monitor is available. During your trial you can get support by e-mail, please use contact form to send all your inquiries on IPHost Network Monitor features and purchase.

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Download the free trial of IPHost Network Monitor and start to monitor your network and vital applications in a few minutes.

IPHost Network Monitor 5.4 build 14614 of November 05, 2024. File size: 112MB

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