
Check RAM usage over SSH

Spot And Predict High RAM Usage

SSH RAM usage monitor - Windows Interface Screenshot
SSH RAM usage monitor

Of all hardware resources, RAM is often most important one. Its usage should be closely monitored; imperfect settings can lead to low free RAM conditions, over-usage of swapping and so on. IPHost Network Monitor makes it possible to check RAM usage over SSH connection for all capable devices. Since most Linux servers run SSH server by default, this type of monitor can be used in case of most Unix-like systems.

Physical memory, swap memory or virtual memory can be measured by this memory monitor, for either free or used memory. By combining all the three metrics in either form, memory utilization can be supervised, with alerts set to reflect possible low memory conditions.

To understand the intrinsic of these metrics, please visit corresponding online help page. Most probably, several metrics should be monitored fro the same host, depending on actual setup and monitoring task.

Check RAM Usage To Prevent Problems

SSH RAM usage monitor - Windows Interface Screenshot
SSH RAM usage monitor,
monitor parameters

Amount of free/used RAM usually changes, at times drastically, for perfectly running systems. As is, it doesn’t indicate problems. However, when combined with other hardware resources Linux monitors and having run for several business days, this monitor can provide you with enough data to assess how RAM uasge can change in course of time.

When both physical and swap space memory come close to limits, it usually indicates overloaded system; deeper analysis and adjustments should be made to avoid actual problems. Other Linux system monitors can donate to whole picture of resoruces use. Creating additional load on RAM usage can also be useful to determine how system does react to it, what will be first consequences of the outage.

Note also: if the set of software running on the system changes, the adaptation of RAM usage and other hardware monitors should be repeated, to determine new bounds of resources usage and possible limits that should not be crossed.

Other Linux System Monitors

Looking for system monitoring software to check RAM usage, as well as other hardware resources? IPHost Network Monitor brings easy to use and efficient monitor types to handle this. Beside memory usage, SSH can be used on variety of systems to monitor CPU load, count running processes, track disk usage and a variety of other resources. Since SSH is actually a transport, it allows running any program or script on remote, thus allowing to measure any hardware-related parameter for Linux monitors.

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) and SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) can both be used instead of SSH on applicable systems. The actual choice of what tool to use to measure is a matte rof personal preferences.

Download Server Monitoring Tools

IPHost Network Monitor comes with 30-days trial period, all feature working in full during that period. Start monitoring your network right now, prevent downtime!

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