
Web Transaction Monitor

Web Transaction Monitor allows end-to-end monitoring of web applications and e-commerce web sites such as internet shops, auctions, web portal by simulating the steps of real user activity so the tool lets you constantly monitor real user experience to be sure your online shop or enterprise web application performs well. The tool notifies you if performance becomes unacceptable.

The Web Transaction monitor provides businesses with a tool to monitor web application availability and performance. The Web transaction monitor lets them ensure that web applications and services are functioning properly and deliver acceptable performance from the end-user perspective. By simulating real-user experience, this web application monitoring tool provides realistic results reflecting what end-users are experiencing when performing any type of e-commerce transaction on a website.

Typical web transactions are customer authentications, navigation through a product catalog, website search, order fulfillment, payments, shopping cart, submitting different types of web forms, site navigation, and other user interactions with a website or web application. The Web Transaction monitor add-on for IPHost Network Monitor supports monitoring of the functionality listed above. It can check webpages with a dynamically generated content (product catalog); page request parameters can also be dynamic (generated by a server session or specified by the user), it supports form submission, logging into a web application or e-commerce site, admin panel actions, and so on. The Web Transaction monitor supports monitoring websites in PHP, ASP, JSP, JavaScript, Perl, VBscript, Ajax.

You can check whether a specified text string appears or does not appear on some page each time when this monitor runs. For instance, you can check for the string ‘Welcome, John Smith’ to be sure that the login was correct. You can set performance thresholds to be notified if web application performance from the end user perspective becomes unacceptable. These early warning notifications help you to prevent more serious problems that can lead to system outages and big losses.

You need not be an expert in monitoring and web applications to create a meaningful web transaction monitor. The Web transaction recorder (which looks and acts like a web browser) lets you create a monitor by simply navigating through the web pages which use the functionality you’d like to monitor. The Replay function provides you with the ability to visually check that web transaction recording goes flawlessly and the resulting monitor will work correctly. This function is extremely helpful when you have been notified about performance or availability problems with your web application; replaying the same request sequence in the recorder helps you to understand which steps are OK and which are not as well as to validate the fixes you might have made to restore the operability of your application.

Description of other features:

Monitoring Features Here you can find the list of monitor types supported in IPHost Network Monitor and brief description of their parameters.
Application Templates Here you can find the list of application templates supported in IPHost Network Monitor and their short description.
Network Discovery Helps you to create a basis of your monitoring configuration and automates the task of detection network hosts and network services.
Alerting Features Here you can find the list of alert types (ways of reaction to the problems happened during monitoring) available in IPHost Network Monitor, and their brief description.
Reporting Features Here you can find the list of report types available in IPHost Network Monitor with brief descriptions.
IPHost Network Monitor interfaces
and structure
Here you can find an overview of IPHost Network Monitor components, Windows and web interfaces.

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