There are no GUI tools for Server Core to handle firewall tasks. All of them can
be handled using netsh command-line utility. To start, enter the ADv Firewall context of netsh by using the command
NetSH ADVFirewall
Use 'help' command in any context to get the list of available (sub)commands.
Three Firewall Profiles are configured in Windows Vista and Windows Serverv 2008. To get the information on all of them, run this:
NetSH ADVFirewall Show Allprofiles
State column of the output displays the profile state (on or off).
To enable all the profiles, use the command
NetSH ADVFirewall Set Allprofiles State on
to turn them all on (use 'off' to turn them all off).
To reset the firewall completely and restore default values, run the command
NetSH ADVFirewall Set Allprofiles FirewallPolicy BlockInbound,AllowOutbound
To switch on or off a single featurem use 'Settings' modifier to specify what is to change, i.e.
NetSH ADVFirewall Set AllProfiles Settings remotemanagement enable / disable
will change the state of Remote Management service.