


MIBs list

This MIB is for managing Closed User Groups on an ATM Switch.

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The CUG interlock code alias Table. Entries in this table can be created and deleted by setting the csCugInterlockCodeRowStatus object to appropriate values. This table maps the interlock code to an alias name. Table entries cannot be deleted if the entri ...
An entry in the cug interlock code table.
The Address to be aliased.
The alias name for a CUG interlock code.
To create, delete a row. Existing rows can be modified/deleted when the row is active providing this alias is not referenced by any entries in the csCugTable.
A table to define an interface as an access interface.
An entry in this table must be created in order to enable the screening of closed user group calls and enable the barring of transmission of CUG interlock codes across the interface. Closed user group calls are screened by looking up csCugTable.
If the value is true, enables CUG service on the interface. When the value is false, CUG service on the interface will be disabled and no screening of CUGs will be done.
This maps to incoming access of the ITU spec. This object takes effect when csCugIfAccessEnable is true. If the value is true, allows calls with unknown cug interlock code or non-cug calls to be forwarded to the user. If the value is false, calls from unk ...
This maps to outgoing access of the ITU spec. This object takes effect when csCugIfAccessEnable is true. If the value is deny, do not permit calls to other CUGs. If the value is permitPerCall, use cug index from user and calls to other CUGs will be permit ...
The status of this conceptual row. The value of the columnar objects in this row may be modified even while the row status is 'active'.
A list of Closed User Group (CUG) definitions on the interfaces of the switch. Entries in this table may be created and deleted by SNMP. Each entry represents membership of an interface in a CUG. An interface may have several CUGs, but only one 'preferent ...
An entry identifying an interface's membership in a CUG.
This maps to cug index of ITU spec. For each interface, there is a unique cug index for each interlock code. This object is valid only when CUGs are supported on a per-call basis.
Indicates if this is a preferential CUG. A value of false means non-preferred CUG. There can be at most one preferential CUG on an interface. When a preferential cug exists, this object has to be set to false before another CUG can become a preferential C ...
This applies to members of the same closed user group. This object maps to incoming-calls-barred in ITU spec. At the destination interface if this is true and the call was made by a member of the same CUG, the call will rejected.
This applies to members of the same closed user group at the originating interface. This object maps to outgoing-calls-barred in the ITU specification. Setting an entry's csCugDenySameGroupFromUser to true when the entry's csCugPreferential is true will r ...
The status of this conceptual row. The value of the columnar objects in this row may be modified even while the row status is 'active'. Modifications will affect new calls. Existing calls are not affected.
A collection of objects for managing Closed User Groups.

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MIBs list