
ccasIfExtDs0GrpRepetition - Cisco CAS If Ext Ds0 Group Repetition - CISCO-CAS-IF-EXT-MIB

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With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.


Cisco CAS If Ext Ds0 Group Repetition

This object is used to repeatedly apply the writable objects of ccasIfExtDs0GrpCfgTable specified in the same SNMP PDU starting from the row specifies by the index of the instance for the number of rows specified in this object. The repetition operation works differently for different DS0 channel bitmap configuration. When the DS0 channel bitmap is configured to contain a single DS0 channel, the order of operation is iterated through the value of DS0 group and the logical order of DS0 channel; When the DS0 channel bitmap is configured to contain more than one DS0 channels, the order of operation is iterated through logical order of DS1 channel, and all the iteration operations use the same DS0 channel bitmap configuration. The repetition iteration will stop once the value of iterated value reaches its maximum limit. In the case of a single DS0 channel configuration, the repetition will stop when either the value of the DS0 group or the DS0 channel has reached its maximum. For multiple DS0 channel configuration, the repetition will stop once the value of DS1 reaches its maximum. DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { ccasIfExtDs0GrpCfgEntry 1 } SYNTAX OwnerString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object is used for error checking of the operation specified in ccasIfExtDs0GrpRepetition. The value of this object is set by the SNMP manager with its own identifier at the same time as issuing the bulk operation by setting ccasIfExtDs0GrpRepetition. Later on, the SNMP manager should check the value of this object, if it is the same as the SNMP manager name, then the value of ccasIfExtDs0GrpRepeatResult indicates the result of the bulk operation initiated by this SNMP manager.


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ccasIfExtDs0GrpRepetition on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco wireless switches right now.

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