
frPVCConnectRowStatus - Frame Relay PVC Connect Row Status - rfc1604

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Frame Relay PVC Connect Row Status

The status of this entry in the frPVCConnectTable. This variable is used to create new connections for the PVC end-points and to change existing connections of the PVC end- points. This object must be initially set to `createAndWait'. In this state, the agent checks the parameters in the associated entries in the frPVCEndptTable to verify that the PVC end-points can be connected (i.e., the In parameters for one PVC end-point are equal to the Out parameters for the other PVC end-point). This object can not be set to `active' unless the following columnar object exist in this row: frPVCConnectAdminStatus. The agent also supplies the associated value of frPVCConnectIndex for the frPVCEndptConnectIdentifier instances. To turn on a PVC segment connection, the frPVCConnectAdminStatus is set to `active'.

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