
Channel Status monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - Channel Status monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for "channel status"

channel Status
channelStatus (defined in rfc1271)
The status of this channel entry.
channel Status
channelStatus (defined in rfc1757)
The status of this channel entry.
Printer Channel Status
prtChannelStatus (defined in rfc1759)
The current status of the channel.
ADSL2 Channel Status Table
adsl2ChannelStatusTable (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
The table adsl2ChannelStatusTable contains status parameters of the ADSL2 channel. This table contains live data from equipment.
ADSL2 Channel Status Entry
adsl2ChannelStatusEntry (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
The table adsl2ChannelStatusTable contains status parameters of the ADSL2 channel. The index of this table consists of an interface index, where the interface has an ifType value that is applicable for a DSL channel, along with a termination unit.
ADSL2 Channel Status Unit
adsl2ChStatusUnit (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
The termination unit atuc(1) or atur(2).
ADSL2 Channel Status Channel Number
adsl2ChStatusChannelNum (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
Provides the bearer channel number associated with this row (i.e., the channel ifIndex). This enables determining the channel configuration profile and the channel thresholds profile applicable for this bearer channel.
ADSL2 Channel Status Actual Data Rate
adsl2ChStatusActDataRate (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
The actual net data rate that the bearer channel is operating at, if in L0 power management state. In L1 or L2 states, it relates to the previous L0 state. The data rate is coded in bits/second.
ADSL2 Channel Status Previous Data Rate
adsl2ChStatusPrevDataRate (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
The previous net data rate that the bearer channel was operating at just before the latest rate change event. This could be a full or short initialization, fast retrain, DRA or power management transitions, excluding transitions between L0 state and L1 or L2 states. The data rate is coded in bits/second.
ADSL2 Channel Status Actual Delay
adsl2ChStatusActDelay (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
The actual one-way interleaving delay introduced by the PMS-TC in the direction of the bearer channel, if in L0 power management state. In L1 or L2 states, it relates to the previous L0 state. It is coded in ms (rounded to the nearest ms).
ADSL2 Channel Status Atm Status
adsl2ChStatusAtmStatus (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
Indicates the current state (existing failures) of the ADSL channel in case its Data Path is ATM. This is a bit-map of possible conditions. The various bit positions are: noDefect(0), noCellDelineation(1), or lossOfCellDelineation(2). In the case where the channel is not an ATM Data Path, the object is set to '0'.
ADSL2 Channel Status Ptm Status
adsl2ChStatusPtmStatus (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
Indicates the current state (existing failures) of the ADSL channel in case its Data Path is PTM. This is a bit-map of possible conditions. The various bit positions are: noDefect(0), or outOfSync(1). In the case where the channel is not a PTM Data Path, the object is set to '0'.
ADSL2 Channel Status Group
adsl2ChannelStatusGroup (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
The group of status objects on the channel level.
ADSL2 Channel Status Atm Group
adsl2ChannelStatusAtmGroup (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
The group of status objects on the data path level when it is ATM.
ADSL2 Channel Status Ptm Group
adsl2ChannelStatusPtmGroup (defined in ADSL2-LINE-MIB)
The group of status objects on the data path level when it is PTM.
Cisco 6400NSP Sonet APS Channel Status
c64SonetAPSChannelStatus (defined in CISCO-6400-CHASSIS-MIB)
the APS channel.
Cisco Channel Associated Signal Interface Channel Status Transmit Signal Bits
ccasChannelStatusXmitSignalBits (defined in CISCO-CAS-IF-MIB)
The transmit ABCD signaling bits for the CAS channel. aBit - the signaling bit in the 6th frame bBit - the signaling bit in the 12th frame cBit - the signaling bit in the 18th frame dBit - the signaling bit in the 24th frame the cBit and dBit are only valid for E1 or T1 interface is operating in extended superframe (ESF) mode. REFERENCE EIA/TIA-464B, chapter 6.2 Digital Signaling and Supervision ::= { ccasChannelStatusEntry 4 } -- -- Voice specific Configuration Table for a DS0 group -- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcasVoiceCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION The voice specific configuration Table. It contains information about the voice related configuration parameters for a CAS group. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgObjects 1 } SYNTAX CcasVoiceCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry in the voice specific configuration table for each CAS/DS0 group of a DS1. The entry is created if the associated CAS/DS0 group is created and the voice hardware is detected to support the voice capability for the CAS/DS0 group in the managed system. The entry is deleted when its associated CAS/DS0 group is deleted. INDEX { ifIndex, ccasGrpCfgIndex } ::= { ccasVoiceCfgTable 1 } CcasVoiceCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccasVoiceCfgNoiseRegEnable TruthValue, ccasVoiceCfgNonLinearProcEnable TruthValue, ccasVoiceCfgMusicOnHoldThreshold Integer32, ccasVoiceCfgInGain Integer32, ccasVoiceCfgOutAttn Integer32, ccasVoiceCfgEchoCancelEnable TruthValue, ccasVoiceCfgEchoCancelCoverage INTEGER, ccasVoiceCfgConnectionMode INTEGER, ccasVoiceCfgConnectionNumber DisplayString, ccasVoiceCfgInitialDigitTimeOut Integer32, ccasVoiceCfgInterDigitTimeOut Integer32, ccasVoiceCfgRegionalTone CountryCode } SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The object indicates whether or not the background noise should be played to fill silence gaps if VAD is activated. The default value of this object is 'true'. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 1 } SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The object indicates whether or not the Nonlinear Processing is enabled for the interface. The default value of this object is 'true'. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 2 } SYNTAX Integer32 (-70..-30) UNITS "dBm The object specifies the Music On Hold Threshold for the interface. The default value of this object is -38 dBm. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 3 } SYNTAX Integer32 (-6..14) UNITS "dB This object contains the amount of gain inserted at the receiver side of the interface. The input gain settings only define a gain/loss relative to the 0 dB setting. The absolute loss at the 0 dB setting could be implementation dependent based on the desired network loss plan. The default value of this object is 0 dB (decibel). ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 4 } SYNTAX Integer32 (0..14) UNITS "dB This object contains the amount of attenuation inserted at the transmit side of the interface. The output attenuation settings only define a loss relative to the 0 dB setting. The absolute loss at the 0 dB setting could be implementation dependent based on the desired network loss plan. The default value of this object is 0 dB (decibel). ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 5 } SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The object specifies whether or not the Echo Cancellation is enabled for the interface. The default value of this object is 'true'. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 6 } SYNTAX INTEGER { echoCanceller8ms (1), echoCanceller16ms (2), echoCanceller24ms (3), echoCanceller32ms (4), echoCanceller64ms (5), echoCanceller128ms(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The object specifies the Echo Canceller coverage for the interface. This object is valid if the ccasVoiceCfgEchoCancelEnable object is 'true'. echoCanceller8ms - 8 milliseconds echo canceller coverage. echoCanceller16ms - 16 milliseconds echo canceller coverage. echoCanceller24ms - 24 milliseconds echo canceller coverage. echoCanceller32ms - 32 milliseconds echo canceller coverage. echoCanceller64ms - 64 milliseconds echo canceller coverage. echoCanceller128ms- 128 milliseconds echo canceller coverage. The default value of this object is echoCanceller8ms. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 7 } SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), trunk (2), plar (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The object indicates the connection mode of the interface. normal - the interface acts normally to handle incoming and outgoing call. trunk - the interface acts in trunking mode. trunking mode causes two interfaces (on either the same or different routers) to be always conferenced together, and for telephony signaling to be passed transparently through the VoIP system rather than trapped and interpreted by the session application on the router(s). plar - the interface acts in PLAR (private line automatic ringdown) mode. PLAR is handled by associating a peer directly with an interface such that when the interface goes off-hook, that peer is used to setup the second call leg and conference them together without the caller having to dial any digits. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 8 } SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION This is the E.164 phone number that is used to establish connection with trunking mode or PLAR mode. If the ccasVoiceCfgConnectionMode is 'normal', then this object will be a zero length string. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 9 } SYNTAX Integer32 (0..120) UNITS "seconds This is the initial digit timeout that indicates the amount of time the managed system waits for an initial input digit from the caller. The timer is activated when the call is accepted and is deactivated upon digit input. If the timer expires, the caller is signaled through the appropriate tone and the call is abandoned. The value of zero disables the timer. The default value of this object is 10 seconds. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 10 } SYNTAX Integer32 (0..120) UNITS "seconds This is the inter-digit timeout that indicates the amount of time the managed system waits for a subsequent input digit from the caller. The timer is started upon receipt of an input digit and restarted as each digit is received until the destination address is identified. If the timer expires and no destination address is identified, the caller is signaled through the appropriate tone and the call is abandoned. The value of zero disables the timer. The default value of this object is 10 seconds. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 11 } SYNTAX CountryCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object contains the current regional setting for the call progress tone to be used by this CAS group. ::= { ccasVoiceCfgEntry 12 } -- -- XGCP Configuration Table for a DS0 group -- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcasXgcpCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION The XGCP configuration Table contains information about DS0 usage by XGCP(SGCP/MGCP). XGCP is meant to represent both Simple Gateway Control Protocol (SGCP) and Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP). ::= { ccasXgcpCfgObjects 1 } SYNTAX CcasXgcpCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry in the configuration table for each DS0 group of a DS1. The entry is created if the DS0 group is configured as null-signaling and ccasGrpCfgServiceType is configured as either sgcp or mgcp. The entry is deleted when the signaling type is configured as non null-signaling. INDEX { ifIndex, ccasGrpCfgIndex } ::= { ccasXgcpCfgTable 1 } CcasXgcpCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccasXgcpCfgCotToneCo1 Integer32, ccasXgcpCfgCotToneCo2 Integer32 } SYNTAX Integer32 (280..3800) UNITS "hertz This object specifies the continuity test tone frequencies for co1. Co1 is the COT tone frequency from the terminating switch in transponder mode and is from the originating switch in loopback mode. REFERENCE Bellcore GR-317-CORE spec, Rev 3, Nov. 1996, section ::= { ccasXgcpCfgEntry 1 } SYNTAX Integer32 (280..3800) UNITS "hertz This object specifies the continuity test tone frequencies for co2. Co2 is the COT tone frequency from the originating switch only in transponder mode. REFERENCE Bellcore GR-317-CORE spec, Rev 3, Nov. 1996, section ::= { ccasXgcpCfgEntry 2 } --*********************************************************************** -- Conformance and compliance statements --*********************************************************************** -- conformance information ccasIfMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCasIfMIB 3 } ccasIfMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccasIfMIBConformance 1 } ccasIfMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccasIfMIBConformance 2 } -- compliance statements ccasIfMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete -- superseded by ccasIfMIBComplianceRev1 DESCRIPTION The compliance statement for entities which implement the Cisco Voice Digital interface MIB The CAS E&M group is mandatory for T1/E1 that supports CAS E&M signal interface. GROUP ccasLineGroup DESCRIPTION The CAS Line group is mandatory for T1/E1 that supports CAS FXO/SAO signal interfaces. GROUP ccasStaGroup DESCRIPTION The CAS Station group is mandatory for T1/E1 that supports CAS FXS/SAS signal interfaces. GROUP ccasCustomABCDGroup DESCRIPTION The CAS custom ABCD bits configuration group is mandatory for E1 that supports CAS signal interfaces. GROUP ccasVoiceGroup DESCRIPTION The CAS Voice group is mandatory for a CAS group that supports voice/fax call capability. OBJECT ccasGrpCfgType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION Create/Write access is not required. Create/Write access is not required. Create/Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required. Write access is not required.
Cisco Catalyst 6000 Crossbar Channel Status Group
cc6kxbarChannelStatusGroup (defined in CISCO-CAT6K-CROSSBAR-MIB.)
A collection of objects providing status and configuration of the fabric channel.
Cisco Call Manager Gateway D Channel Status
ccmGatewayDChannelStatus (defined in CISCO-CCM-MIB)
The D-Channel status of the gateway. active(1): The D-Channel is up inActive(1): The D-Channel is down unknown(3): The D-Channel status is unknown notApplicable(4): The D-channel status is not applicable for this gateway.

MIBs list