control_timeout - SNMP monitoring

MIBs list

SNMP OIDs - control_timeout

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for control timeout

atm LAN Emulation Client Control Timeout
atmLecControlTimeout (defined in XYLAN-ATM-MIB)
C7 Control Time-out. Time out period used for timing out most request/response control frame interactions, as specified elsewhere [in the LAN Emulation specification]. This time value is expressed in seconds.
LAN Emulation Client Control Timeout
lecControlTimeout (defined in ibm-lec)
C7 Control Time-out. Time out period used for timing out most request/response control frame interactions, as specified elsewhere [in the LAN Emulation specification]. In LANE V2.0, this value specifies the maximum cumulative timeout for an exponential backoff algorithm. This time value is expressed in seconds.
LAN Emulation Client Initial Control Timeout
lecInitialControlTimeout (defined in ibm-lec)
C7i Initial Control Time-out. In LANE V2.0, control time-out consists of an initial time-out of C7i seconds, a retry multiplier (or logarithmic back-off base) of C7x, and a cumulative maximum time-out of C7 seconds.
LAN Emulation Client Control Timeout Multiplier
lecControlTimeoutMultiplier (defined in ibm-lec)
C7x Control Time-out Multiplier. In LANE V2.0, control time-out consists of an initial time-out of C7i seconds, a retry multiplier (or logarithmic back-off base) of C7x, and a cumulative maximum time-out of C7 seconds.
Lan Emulation Client Control Timeout
lecControlTimeout (defined in LAN-EMULATION-CLIENT-MIB)
C7 Control Time-out. Time out period used for timing out most request/response control frame interactions, as specified elsewhere [in the LAN Emulation specification]. This time value is expressed in seconds.
Round Trip Time Monitor Control Admin Timeout
rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
Specifies the duration to wait for a RTT operation completion. The value of this object cannot be set to a value which would specify a duration exceeding rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency. For connection oriented protocols, this may cause the connection to be closed by the probe. Once closed, it will be assumed that the connection reestablishment will be performed. To prevent unwanted closure of connections, be sure to set this value to a realistic connection timeout.
Round Trip Time Monitor Control Operational Timeout Occurred
rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
This object will change its value for all RttMonRttTypes. This object is set to true when an operation times out, and set to false when an operation completes under rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout. When this value changes, a reaction may occur, as defined by rttMonReactAdminTimeoutEnable. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this timeout applies only to the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress and not to intermediate hops to the Target. If a trap is sent it is a rttMonTimeoutNotification. When this value changes and any one of the rttMonReactTable row has rttMonReactVar object value as 'timeout(7)', a reaction may occur. If a trap is sent it is rttMonNotification with rttMonReactVar value of 'timeout'.
Round Trip Time Mpls Vpn Monitor Control Timeout
rttMplsVpnMonCtrlTimeout (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
Specifies the duration to wait for a RTT operation configured automatically by the Auto SAA L3 MPLS VPN to complete. The value of this object cannot be set to a value which would specify a duration exceeding rttMplsVpnMonScheduleFrequency. The usage of this value in Auto SAA L3 MPLS VPN is similar to rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout.
chas Control Activate Timeout
chasControlActivateTimeout (defined in ALCATEL-IND1-CHASSIS-MIB)
This value is in seconds. It represents how much time before the switch automatically falls back to the certified version. This value is set via the Activate(reload working) cli command. An Activate reboot must be initiated via the primary CMM and that the timeout value can be accessed via user interface to the primary CMM only. After the Activate reboot has been initiated, a timeout will occur (i.e., an Activate Timeout) at the timeout value specified by the user. If a reboot cancel has not been received prior to the timeout expiration, the primary CMM will automatically reboot (i.e., re-reboot) using the certified configuration. This ensures that an automatic backup reboot is available using the certified configuration in the event that the user is unable to interface with primary CMM as a result of the attempted Activate reboot. If the Activate reboot is successful, the user cancels the backup reboot via the normal reboot cancellation process (i.e., a zero value is written for the object chasControlDelayedRebootTimer).
ibm Mvs Atm LAN Emulation Client Control Timeout
ibmMvsAtmLecControlTimeout (defined in ibm_mainframe-Mvstcpip)
Control Time-out. Time out period used for timing out most request/response control frame interactions, as specified elsewhere in the LAN Emulation specification. This time value is expressed in seconds. Corresponds to Initial State Parameter C7.

MIBs list