
dhcp_server monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - dhcp_server monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for dhcp server

as Dhcp Server Table
asDhcpServerTable (defined in ZYXEL-accessSwitch-MIB)
A table that contains DHCP server information.
as Dhcp Server Entry
asDhcpServerEntry (defined in ZYXEL-accessSwitch-MIB)
The entry of DHCP server table.
as Dhcp Server Ip
asDhcpServerIp (defined in ZYXEL-accessSwitch-MIB)
The IP address of the DHCP server.
as Dhcp Server Row Status
asDhcpServerRowStatus (defined in ZYXEL-accessSwitch-MIB)
The row status of the DHCP server entry.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Ping Packet Nos
ctAgentDhcpServerPingPktNos (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
The no. of packets a DHCP Server sends to a pool address as part of a ping operation.Setting the value of ping-packets to zero turns off DHCP Server ping operation .
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Automatic Bindings Nos
ctAgentDhcpServerAutomaticBindingsNos (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
The no. of IP addresses that have been assigned automatically.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server DISCOVER Messages Received
ctAgentDhcpServerDISCOVERMessagesReceived (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
The no. of DHCP messages of type DHCPDISCOVER that have been received by the DHCP server.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server ACK Messages Sent
ctAgentDhcpServerACKMessagesSent (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
The no. of DHCP messages of type DHCPACK that have been sent by the DHCP server.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Pool Config Table
ctAgentDhcpServerPoolConfigTable (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
A table of the DHCP Server Pool configuration entries.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Pool Name
ctAgentDhcpServerPoolName (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
The name of the DHCP Address pool. This value cannot be modified
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Pool Row Status
ctAgentDhcpServerPoolRowStatus (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
The row status variable is used according to installation and removal conventions for conceptual rows. When a pool is created by applying write operation on 'ctAgentDhcpServerPoolCreateName',row-status becomes 'active'. If row-status for a poolEntry is set to 'destroy', the corresponding pool gets deleted.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Manual Pool Client Name
ctAgentDhcpServerManualPoolClientName (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
It specifies the name of a DHCP client. Client name should't include domain-name. It displays 'unconfigured',if the binding type is 'un-allocated',or,'dynamic'.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Excluded Address Range Entry
ctAgentDhcpServerExcludedAddressRangeEntry (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
Represents entry for a Dhcp server excluded address range table.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Excluded Start Ip Address
ctAgentDhcpServerExcludedStartIpAddress (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
This specifies the starting IP address of the excluded address-range.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Pool Option Create
ctAgentDhcpServerPoolOptionCreate (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
This sets the option for an existing DHCP Server pool. Here, it is required to enter the pool-index, for which option is to be set and the value of the DHCP option code in string-format : pool-index and option code separated by '-' and terminated by ';', one example would be -> 1-19; , 1 is the pool-index and 19 is the option code.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Lease Table
ctAgentDhcpServerLeaseTable (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
A table of the DHCP Server's Lease entries.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Lease Hardware Address
ctAgentDhcpServerLeaseHWAddress (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
This specifies the hardware address of the client.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server Address Conflict IP
ctAgentDhcpServerAddressConflictIP (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
This specifies the conflicting IP address assigned to the client by DHCP server.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Snooping Invalid Server Messages
ctAgentDhcpSnoopingInvalidServerMessages (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpsnooping-mib)
This object indicates the number of invalid DHCP server mesaages
Cabletron Dhcp Server If Table
ctDhcpServerIfTable (defined in ctron-dhcp-mib)
This table contains an entry for each port of a DHCP server which is eligible to perform DHCP functions. The table is indexed by ctDhcpIfIndex, which indicates the value of the MIB 2 ifindex which identifies the device's interface for which the entry exists.
Cabletron Dhcp If Domain Name Server
ctDhcpIfDomainNameServer (defined in ctron-dhcp-mib)
This value is an DHCP option that can be passed to a client by this interface if it is requested as part of the DHCP process. This value is the IP address of the domain name server to be used by the client.
Cabletron Dhcp If WIN Server
ctDhcpIfWINServer (defined in ctron-dhcp-mib)
This value is an DHCP option that can be passed to a client by this interface if it is requested as part of the DHCP process. This value is the IP address of the NetBIOS overTCP/IP name server to be used by the client.
sfps DHCP Server VLAN Name
sfpsDHCPServerVLANName (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
sfps DHCP Server VLAN Single Flood Status
sfpsDHCPServerVLANSingleFloodStatus (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
sfps DHCP Server VLAN Version
sfpsDHCPServerVLANVersion (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
agent Dhcp Scope Dns Server Address 1
agentDhcpScopeDnsServerAddress1 (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
IP Address of the DHCP Scope's DNS Server 1.
agent Dhcp Scope Dns Server Address 3
agentDhcpScopeDnsServerAddress3 (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
IP Address of the DHCP Scope's DNS Server 3.
agent Dhcp Scope Netbios Name Server Address 2
agentDhcpScopeNetbiosNameServerAddress2 (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
IP Address of DHCP Scope's Netbios Name Server 2.
bsn Dot11 Ess Dhcp Server Ip Address
bsnDot11EssDhcpServerIpAddress (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
IP Address of the DHCP Server. Make it to disable DHCP Relay. Any value other than, it will be assumed that DHCP Relay is turned on.
ALTIGA Dhcp Server Statistics Maximum Leases
alDhcpServerStatsMaximumLeases (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The number of leases that were active at any one time.
ALTIGA Dhcp Server Statistics Acks Sent
alDhcpServerStatsAcksSent (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The number of received original (i.e. in the REQUESTING state) DHCPACK messages.
ALTIGA Dhcp Server Statistics Request Timeouts
alDhcpServerStatsReqTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The number of request timeouts that occurred.
ALTIGA Dhcp Server Statistics Session Lease Expire
alDhcpServerStatsSessLeaseExpire (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The remaining seconds until the current lease expires.
altiga Dhcp Server Statistics Group
altigaDhcpServerStatsGroup (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The objects for the DHCP Server statistics.
Cisco GPRS Access Point DHCP Server Pri
cgprsAccPtDHCPServerPri (defined in CISCO-GPRS-ACC-PT-MIB)
This object specifies the IP address of the primary DHCP server from which a mobile subscriber can request an IP address assignment for the access of this APN. In case this DHCP server is not available, the secondary DHCP server is used.
Cisco GPRS Access Point DHCP Server Sec
cgprsAccPtDHCPServerSec (defined in CISCO-GPRS-ACC-PT-MIB)
The IP address of the secondary DHCP server. The secondary DHCP server is used if the primary DHCP server is not available. This object can be set after configuring primary DHCP server.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Dhcp Discover Received
jnxJdhcpLocalServerDhcpDiscoverReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of DHCP Discover packets received.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Dhcp Offer Sent
jnxJdhcpLocalServerDhcpOfferSent (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of DHCP Offer packets sent.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Dhcp Ack Sent
jnxJdhcpLocalServerDhcpAckSent (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of DHCP Ack packets sent.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Ifc Stats Dhcp Inform Received
jnxJdhcpLocalServerIfcStatsDhcpInformReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of DHCP inform packets received.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Ifc Stats Dhcp Request Received
jnxJdhcpLocalServerIfcStatsDhcpRequestReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of DHCP request packets received.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Ifc Stats Dhcp Ack Sent
jnxJdhcpLocalServerIfcStatsDhcpAckSent (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of DHCP Ack packets sent.

MIBs list