ftp_server monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - ftp_server monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for ftp server

Cisco CDS-TV Fsi Ftp Out Server Port
cdstvFsiFtpOutServerPort (defined in CISCO-CDSTV-FSI-MIB)
This object specifies the port used by FSI communications for egress FTP out pulls from the vault.
Cisco CDS-TV ISA Config FTP Server Port
cdstvISAConfigFTPServerPort (defined in CISCO-CDSTV-ISA-MIB)
This object specifies the port used when the Vault receives a request from the OpenStream system to act as an FTP server and receives an FTP put command from the content provider acting as an FTP client.
Cisco CDS-TV ISA Config FTP Server Out Port
cdstvISAConfigFTPServerOutPort (defined in CISCO-CDSTV-ISA-MIB)
This object specifies the configured ISA FTP Server Out Port.
Cisco CDS-TV Server FTP Out Interface
cdstvServerFTPOutInterface (defined in CISCO-CDSTV-SERVER-MIB)
This object specifies whether the management interface or the ingest interface is used for FTP pull and FTP push on a Vault or ISV. management(1) - Management interface is used for FTP pull and FTP push ingest(2) - Ingest interface is used for FTP pull and FTP push
Cisco CDS-TV Server FTP Out Bandwidth
cdstvServerFTPOutBandwidth (defined in CISCO-CDSTV-SERVER-MIB)
This object specifies the maximum bandwidth allowed for FTP functionality on a Vault or ISV.
Cisco CDS-TV Server FTP Out Sessions
cdstvServerFTPOutSessions (defined in CISCO-CDSTV-SERVER-MIB)
This object specifies the maximum number of FTP out sessions allowed on a Vault or ISV.
Cisco FTP Client Request Server
cfcRequestServer (defined in CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB)
The domain name or IP address of the FTP server to use.
Juniper Collector Notify From Ftp Server Inet Type
jnxCollNotifyFromFtpServerInetType (defined in JUNIPER-COLLECTOR-MIB)
Used with jnxCollNotifyFromFtpServerInetAddress to identify a specific FTP server address.
Juniper Collector Notify From Ftp Server Inet Address
jnxCollNotifyFromFtpServerInetAddress (defined in JUNIPER-COLLECTOR-MIB)
The FTP server address from which the switchover occurs.
Juniper Collector Notify From Ftp Server Type
jnxCollNotifyFromFtpServerType (defined in JUNIPER-COLLECTOR-MIB)
The FTP server Type from which the switchover occurs.
Juniper Collector Notify To Ftp Server Inet Type
jnxCollNotifyToFtpServerInetType (defined in JUNIPER-COLLECTOR-MIB)
Used with jnxCollNotifyToFtpServerInetAddress to identify a specific FTP server address.
Juniper Collector Notify To Ftp Server Inet Address
jnxCollNotifyToFtpServerInetAddress (defined in JUNIPER-COLLECTOR-MIB)
The FTP server address to which the switchover occurs.
Juniper Collector Notify To Ftp Server Type
jnxCollNotifyToFtpServerType (defined in JUNIPER-COLLECTOR-MIB)
The FTP server Type to which the switchover occurs.
agent FTP File System Server File Name
agentFTPFileSystemServerFileName (defined in AGENT-GENERAL-MIB)
The name of the file to be downloaded from or uploaded to the FTP server.

MIBs list