
local_port monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - local_port monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for "local port"

ipv6 Tcp Connection Local Port
ipv6TcpConnLocalPort (defined in IPV6-TCP-MIB)
The local port number for this TCP connection.
ipv6 Udp Local Port
ipv6UdpLocalPort (defined in IPV6-UDP-MIB)
The local port number for this UDP listener.
tcp Connection Local Port
tcpConnectionLocalPort (defined in TCP-MIB)
The local port number for this TCP connection.
tcp Listener Local Port
tcpListenerLocalPort (defined in TCP-MIB)
The local port number for this TCP connection.
tcp Connection Local Port
tcpConnLocalPort (defined in TCP-MIB)
The local port number for this TCP connection.
udp Endpoint Local Port
udpEndpointLocalPort (defined in UDP-MIB)
The local port number for this UDP endpoint.
udp Local Port
udpLocalPort (defined in UDP-MIB)
The local port number for this UDP listener.
tcp Connection Local Port
tcpConnLocalPort (defined in rfc1213)
The local port number for this TCP connection.
udp Local Port
udpLocalPort (defined in rfc1213)
The local port number for this UDP listener.
bgp Peer Local Port
bgpPeerLocalPort (defined in rfc1269)
The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
bgp Peer Local Port
bgpPeerLocalPort (defined in rfc1657)
The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
Cabletron Nat Connection Statistics Local Port
ctNatConnStatsLocalPort (defined in ctron-nat-mib)
This is the local host's port for TCP or UDP for this active connection.
sfps Incompatible Neighbor Local Port State
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborLocalPortState (defined in ctron-sfps-topology-mib)
Neighbor's idea of what our port should be
sfps Directory Violation Local Port
sfpsDirViolationLocalPort (defined in ctron-sfps-topology-mib)
Enterasys Nat Static Rule Local Port
etsysNatStaticRuleLocalPort (defined in enterasys-nat-mib)
The NAT Static Local rule port representing the local port for this NAT Static rule entry. This value is only meaningful if the etsysNatStaticRuleProtocol is set to tcp(6) or udp(17) otherwise this value must be set to '0'.
bgp Peer Local Port
bgpPeerLocalPort (defined in BGP4-MIB)
The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
Cisco's Airline protocol support Remote Peer Local Port
alpsRemPeerLocalPort (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
The port number used locally by the tcp connection for the circuit. the initiator of a connection will dynamically assign a port number. the other end of the connection will have a well-known port number applicable to the encapsulation used by the connection - e.g. the value of alpsPeerLocalAtpPort for ATP connections.
Cisco's Airline protocol support Remote Peer Connection Local Port
alpsRemPeerConnLocalPort (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
The local TCP port number used by the underlying TCP connection to an ALPS remote peer.
Cisco Blocked Serial Tunneling Route BIP Local Port
bstunRouteBIPLocalPort (defined in CISCO-BSTUN-MIB)
If bstunRouteType is bip then this is the local port used when connecting to the remote peer.
CISCO BGP4 Peer2 Local Port
cbgpPeer2LocalPort (defined in CISCO-BGP4-MIB)
The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers.
Cisco Channel Interface Processor Tcp Connection Local Port
cipTcpConnLocalPort (defined in CISCO-CIPTCPIP-MIB)
The local port number for this TCP connection.
Cisco Channel Interface Processor Udp Local Port
cipUdpLocalPort (defined in CISCO-CIPTCPIP-MIB)
The local port number for this UDP listener.

MIBs list