
port_flow_control monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - port_flow_control

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for port flow control

els100 Port Flow Control Enable
els100PortFlowControlEnable (defined in ctels100-ng-mib)
The state of flow control operation of the port, either enable or disable.
Switch Port Management Flow Control Admin
swPortMgtFlowCtrlAdmin (defined in els100-s24tx2m-mib)
(1) Flow control mechanism is enabled. If the port type is hundredBaseTX or thousandBaseSX: When the port is operating in halfDuplex mode, the port uses backPressure flow control mechanism. When the port is operating in fullDuplex mode, the port uses IEEE 802.3x flow control mechanism. If the port type is hundredBaseFX: When the port is operating in halfDuplex mode, the port uses backPressure flow control mechanism. When the port is operating in fullDuplex mode, Flow control mechanism will not function. (2) Flow control mechanism is disabled. (3) Flow control mechanism is backPressure. When the port is in fullDuplex mode this flow control mechanism will not function. (4) Flow control mechanism is IEEE 802.3x flow control. When the port is in halfDuplex mode this flow control mechanism will not function. hundredBaseTX and thousandBaseSX port can be set as: enabled(1), disabled(2), backPressure(3), dot3xFlowControl(4). hundredBaseFX port can be set as: enabled(1), disabled(2), backPressure(3). The actual flow control mechanism is used given by swPortMgtFlowCtrlInUse.
Switch Port Management Flow Control In Use
swPortMgtFlowCtrlInUse (defined in els100-s24tx2m-mib)
(1) BackPressure flow control mechanism is used. (2) IEEE 802.3 flow control mechanism is used. (3) Flow control mechanism is disabled.
port X25 Admin Flow Control Negotiation
portX25AdminFlowCtrlNeg (defined in netlink-specific-mib)
A flag which if set, permits negotiation of the flow control parameters on a per call basis. If N is selected, the default packet and window sizes will be used. If Y is selected, the packet or window size in a call packet (up to the configured Max Packet Size or Max Window Size) is used.
port X25 Operation Flow Control Negotiation
portX25OperFlowCtrlNeg (defined in netlink-specific-mib)
A flag which if set, permits negotiation of the flow control parameters on a per call basis. If N is selected, the default packet and window sizes will be used. If Y is selected, the packet or window size in a call packet (up to the configured Max Packet Size or Max Window Size) is used.
port Flow Control Configuration
portFlowCtrlCfg (defined in v2h124-24-mib)
If the port type is hundredBaseTX or thousandBaseSX: When the port is operating in halfDuplex mode, the port uses backPressure flow control mechanism. When the port is operating in fullDuplex mode, the port uses IEEE 802.3x flow control mechanism. If the port type is hundredBaseFX: When the port is operating in halfDuplex mode, the port uses backPressure flow control mechanism. When the port is operating in fullDuplex mode, Flow control mechanism will not function. (2) Flow control mechanism is disabled. (3) Flow control mechanism is backPressure. when the port is in fullDuplex mode.This flow control mechanism will not function. (4) Flow control mechanism is IEEE 802.3x flow control. when the port is in halfDuplex mode.This flow control mechanism will not function. hundredBaseTX and thousandBaseSX port can be set as: enabled(1), disabled(2), backPressure(3), dot3xFlowControl(4). hundredBaseFX port can be set as: enabled(1), disabled(2), backPressure(3). The actual flow control mechanism is used given by portFlowCtrlStatus.
port Flow Control Status
portFlowCtrlStatus (defined in v2h124-24-mib)
(3) IEEE 802.3 flow control machanism is used. (4) Flow control mechanism is disabled. If the entry represents a trunk and the member ports have been inconsistently configured then this value is error(1).
agent Port Dot 3 Flow Control Mode
agentPortDot3FlowControlMode (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
Config flowcontrol allows you to enable or disable 802.3x flow control for this port. This value applies to only full-duplex mode ports.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Ip Flow Source Port
caqIpFlowSrcPort (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
Indicates the source port number of this logged IP flow when its protocol field is TCP or UDP. The value of this object is -1 if the flow is not UDP or TCP traffic.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Ip Flow Destination Port
caqIpFlowDestPort (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
Indicates the destination port number of this logged IP flow when its protocol field is TCP or UDP. The value of this object is -1 if the flow is not UDP or TCP traffic.

MIBs list