
port_interface monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - port_interface monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for port interface

pri Port Physical Interface
priPortPhysIntf (defined in ECHANNEL)
The physical port number that is associated with the Primary Port (first_port).
sec Port Physical Interface
secPortPhysIntf (defined in ECHANNEL)
The physical port number that is associated with the Secondary Port.
atmx Interface Port Index
atmxInterfacePortIndex (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The slot number for the CSM board
Xylan ATM Interface Clear Port Statistics
xylnatmInterfaceClearPortStats (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
True clears the stats for this port
Frame Relay Interface Port Entry
frxPortEntry (defined in XYLAN-FRAME-RELAY-MIB)
An entry in the table, containing information about the physical layer of a UNI interface.
Frame Relay Interface Port Description
frxPortDescription (defined in XYLAN-FRAME-RELAY-MIB)
A description for this Frame Relay port.
gm Group List Port Interface
gmGroupListPortInterface (defined in XYLAN-VLAN-MIB)
The physical port number for which the group list is requested.
wsm Port Interface Type
wsmPortInterfaceType (defined in XYLAN-WSM-MIB)
The type of interface on this WSM physical port.
Compaq Network Interface Card If Physical Adapter Port
cpqNicIfPhysAdapterPort (defined in CPQNIC)
The port number of the interface for multi-port NICs. A port number of -1 indicates that the port could not be determined.
Cabletron Priority Ext Port Interface Number
ctPriorityExtPortInterfaceNum (defined in ctron-priority-extensions-mib)
The interface number for which the information is requested.
Cabletron Remote Ext Physical Port Protocol Manager Interface Number
ctRemExtPhysPortProtMgrIfaceNum (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
This object identifies the interface number that will be assigned to the Protocol Managers IFO
Cabletron Remote Ext Physical Port Protocol Manager Interface List
ctRemExtPhysPortProtMgrIfaceList (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
This object identifies a list of interfaces that will be assigned to this Protocol Managers data IFO's
wan Interface Physical Port Index
wanInterfacePhysPortIndex (defined in ctron-wan-mib)
This value is the physical port of the wan connection that this interface exists on.
port Voice Admin Interface
portVoiceAdminInterface (defined in netlink-specific-mib)
The type of interface (in conjunction with the Telephony Interface Type) that will be used by the Voice channel. This requires rebooting for the change to take effect. Telephony Type Interface Type -------------- -------------- OPX (FXO) Loop Start SLT (FXS) Loop Start E&M 4W E&M, 4W E&M TE, 2W E&M, 2W E&M TE AC15 AC15A, AC15C
port Voice Operation Interface
portVoiceOperInterface (defined in netlink-specific-mib)
The type of interface (in conjunction with the Telephony Interface Type) that will be used by the Voice channel. This requires rebooting for the change to take effect. Telephony Type Interface Type -------------- -------------- OPX (FXO) Loop Start SLT (FXS) Loop Start E&M 4W E&M, 4W E&M TE, 2W E&M, 2W E&M TE AC15 AC15A, AC15C
agent Interface Port No
agentInterfacePortNo (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
A value 0 means the port is not set. The valid value can be any one of the physical ports on the switch. This is the primary port configured on the interface.
agent Interface Active Port No
agentInterfaceActivePortNo (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
This is the currently active port for this interface.
agent Interface Backup Port No
agentInterfaceBackupPortNo (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
This values is valid only for the 4200 series of switches. The backup port is the port this interface is moved to once the primary port fails. A value 0 means the port is not set. The valid value can be any one of the physical ports on the 4200 switch.
Cisco Discovery Protocol Interface Port
cdpInterfacePort (defined in CISCO-CDP-MIB)
This object is only relevant to interfaces which are repeater ports on 802.3 repeaters. In this situation, it indicates the RFC1516 port number of the repeater port which corresponds to this interface.
Cisco Discovery Protocol Interface Cos For Untrusted Port
cdpInterfaceCosForUntrustedPort (defined in CISCO-CDP-MIB)
Indicates the value to be sent by COS for Untrusted Ports TLV.
Channel Interface Processor Card Csna Port
cipCardCsnaPort (defined in CISCO-CIPCSNA-MIB)
Port number on the CMCC card that the Path and Device are configured.
Cisco Channel Interface Processor Tcp Connection Local Port
cipTcpConnLocalPort (defined in CISCO-CIPTCPIP-MIB)
The local port number for this TCP connection.
Cisco Channel Interface Processor Tcp Connection Remote Port
cipTcpConnRemPort (defined in CISCO-CIPTCPIP-MIB)
The remote port number for this TCP connection.
Cisco Channel Interface Processor Udp Local Port
cipUdpLocalPort (defined in CISCO-CIPTCPIP-MIB)
The local port number for this UDP listener.

MIBs list