tcp_timeout - SNMP monitoring

MIBs list

SNMP OIDs - tcp_timeout

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for tcp timeout

Cabletron Nat Tcp Timeout
ctNatTcpTimeout (defined in ctron-nat-mib)
This is the value in seconds after which an idle TCP connection will be deleted. The default value is 300. Acceptable values are from 60 to 3600.
Enterasys Firewall Tcp Timeout
etsysFWTcpTimeout (defined in enterasys-firewall-mib)
Firewalls can perform stateful inspection of TCP sessions. TCP sessions are created and deleted by monitoring TCP SYNC/ACK/FIN flags. Inactivity for the period specified by this object will delete the TCP session.
Enterasys Nat Ipv4 Config Tcp Timeout
etsysNatIpv4ConfigTcpTimeout (defined in enterasys-nat-mib)
This object contains the NAT IPv4 TCP idle translation timeout value.
Cisco Fiber Channel Tunnel If Tcp Connection Dropped Rx Timeout
cftIfTcpConnDroppedRxTimeout (defined in CISCO-FC-TUNNEL-MIB)
Number of TCP connections dropped because of receiving timeout.
Cisco Fiber Channel Tunnel If Tcp Retransmit Timeout
cftIfTcpRetransmitTimeout (defined in CISCO-FC-TUNNEL-MIB)
Number of TCP retransmitting timeouts.
Cisco Fiber Channel Tunnel If Tcp Persist Timeout
cftIfTcpPersistTimeout (defined in CISCO-FC-TUNNEL-MIB)
Number of TCP persisting timeouts.
Cisco Fiber Channel Tunnel If Tcp Keepalive Timeout
cftIfTcpKeepaliveTimeout (defined in CISCO-FC-TUNNEL-MIB)
Number of TCP keepalive timeouts.
cnat Config Timeout Tcp Idle
cnatConfTimeoutTcpIdle (defined in CISCO-IETF-NAT-MIB)
The interval of time for which a TCP protocol session, associated with this configuration, is allowed to remain valid without any activity. This timeout value applies to a TCP session during its data transfer phase.
cnat Config Timeout Tcp Neg
cnatConfTimeoutTcpNeg (defined in CISCO-IETF-NAT-MIB)
The interval of time for which a TCP protocol session, associated with this configuration, is allowed to remain valid without any activity. This timeout value applies to a TCP session during its establishment and termination phases.
Round Trip Time Monitor HTTP Stats TCP Connect Timeout
rttMonHTTPStatsTCPConnectTimeout (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
The number of requests that could not connect to the the HTTP Server.
snat Orig Tcp Idle Timeout
snatOrigTcpIdleTimeout (defined in LOAD-BAL-SYSTEM-MIB)
The idle timeout for TCP connections though this snat.
snat TCP Idle Timeout
snatTCPIdleTimeout (defined in LOAD-BAL-SYSTEM-MIB)
Default connection timeout for SNAT TCP connections.
nat Tcp Default Idle Timeout
natTcpDefIdleTimeout (defined in NAT-MIB)
The default time interval that a NAT session for an established TCP connection is allowed to remain valid without any activity on the TCP connection. If the agent is capable of storing non-volatile configuration, then the value of this object must be restored after a re-initialization of the management system.
nat Tcp Default Neg Timeout
natTcpDefNegTimeout (defined in NAT-MIB)
The default time interval that a NAT session for a TCP connection that is not in the established state is allowed to remain valid without any activity on the TCP connection. If the agent is capable of storing non-volatile configuration, then the value of this object must be restored after a re-initialization of the management system.
iscsi If Tcp Keep Alive Timeout
iscsiIfTcpKeepAliveTimeout (defined in CISCO-ISCSI-GW-MIB)
The TCP Keep alive timeout for this iSCSI interface. If the value is 0, the keep-alive timeout feature is disabled.
iscsi If Tcp PMTU Reset Timeout
iscsiIfTcpPMTUResetTimeout (defined in CISCO-ISCSI-GW-MIB)
The timeout after which the PMTU resets to original value on this interface.
Cisco SLB Health Monitor Probe Tcp Open Timeout
cslbxProbeTcpOpenTimeout (defined in CISCO-SLB-HEALTH-MON-MIB)
Maximum time to wait for a TCP SYN/ACK frame from the real server. This entry is only valid for probes employing TCP, such as SMTP and HTTP probes.

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