test_time monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - test_time

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for test time

ups Test Start Time
upsTestStartTime (defined in rfc1628)
The value of sysUpTime at the time the test in progress was initiated, or, if no test is in progress, the time the previous test was initiated. If the value of upsTestResultsSummary is noTestsInitiated(6), upsTestStartTime has the value 0.
ups Test Elapsed Time
upsTestElapsedTime (defined in rfc1628)
The amount of time, in TimeTicks, since the test in progress was initiated, or, if no test is in progress, the previous test took to complete. If the value of upsTestResultsSummary is noTestsInitiated(6), upsTestElapsedTime has the value 0.
ups Battery Test Time
upsBatteryTestTime (defined in ups2-mib)
The frequency of execution of the UPS's automatic battery test. The test may be run immediately upon startup, upon startup and every 7 days thereafter, upon startup and every 14 days thereafter, or never.
bsn Ping Test Max Time Interval
bsnPingTestMaxTimeInterval (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Maximum time interval in msec.
bsn Ping Test Minimum Time Interval
bsnPingTestMinTimeInterval (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Minimum time interval in msec.
bsn Ping Test Average Time Interval
bsnPingTestAvgTimeInterval (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Average time interval in msec.
Cisco 90i Bert Test Time
frxBertTestTime (defined in CISCO-90-MIB)
BERT test time in 0.01 second increments
line Test Time Interval
lineTestTimeIntvl (defined in CISCO-C6200-MIB)
Time interval in minutes between 0 - 60 minutes. This parameter is only meaningful, if test type is the line quality test. Default value is 30 minutes. The agent will only change lineTestTimeIntvl, if no test is active on the targeted port.
line Test Start Time
lineTestStartTime (defined in CISCO-C6200-MIB)
Time stamp in displayable format. This is the time when the system starts the requested test.
line Test Cmpl Time
lineTestCmplTime (defined in CISCO-C6200-MIB)
Time stamp in displayable format. This is the time when the system completes the requested test or when the user aborts the test.
Cisco Cable Diagnostic Prbs If Test Errors Reset Time
ccdPrbsIfTestErrorsResetTime (defined in CISCO-CABLE-DIAG-MIB)
Indicates the most recent time that the corresponding instance of ccdPrbsIfTestErrors is reset to zero. If the the corresponding instance of ccdPrbsIfTestErrors is never reset to zero, then the instance value for ccdPrbsIfTestErrorsResetTime will be zero.
Cisco Cable Diagnostic Tdr If Last Test Time
ccdTdrIfLastTestTime (defined in CISCO-CABLE-DIAG-MIB)
Indicates the timestamp when TDR test is last run on the interface. If TDR test is never run on an interface, then this object value will be zero.

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