Repeater SNMP monitor | IPHost Network Monitor

Repeater SNMP monitor

IPHost Network Monitor allows you to test and monitor performance parameters of network repeaters.You can select what variable to monitor using built-in MIB browser that provides you with all variables supported by repeater, their current values and descriptions taken from MIBs.

Repeaters are devices retransmitting signal (analog or digital), thus allowing to reach greater distances. Wireless (such as WiFi) repeaters takes signal from existing wireless router or wireless access point and rebroadcasts it, creating a second network with farther reach. Note that repeating results in reducing transmission speed by 50% (since only one wireless device can transmit at a time).

Typical repeaters monitoring use cases

Apart from general health checks, monitoring repeater devices can be used for

  • detecting problems in service quality (degradation of speed, retransmissions count and so on)
  • changing operation mode when interference (resulting in efficiency degradation) is detected

List of MIBs used to monitor repeater devices

    This MIB module contains information relating to Cisco Repeater ports.
    MIB module that extends the REPEATER-MIB to manage CISCO low end stackable repeater products. For the purpose of this MIB, a hub is a repeater group and stack is collection of one or more hubs interconnected via stack bus connectors.
    This MIB module describes objects for managing IEEE 802.12 repeaters.
  • HP-ICF-8023-RPTR
    This MIB module contains objects that provide HP-specific extensions to the 802.3 Repeater MIB.
    This MIB module contains object definitions that are common to all repeater devices in the HP Integrated Communication Facility product line
    This MIB module contains objects that provide HP-specific extensions to the 802.12 Repeater MIB
    This MIB module contains objects for managing HP AdvanceStack 100VG-AnyLAN repeaters.
    This MIB module defines MIB objects for 802.3 repeaters.

You can start Repeater SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost Network Monitor right now. With IPHost SNMP monitor you can monitor network performance, audit network usage, detect network faults, or inappropriate access. The IPHost’s SNMP monitor can communicate and interact with any SNMP-enabled device.

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IPHost Network Monitor 5.4 build 14614 of November 05, 2024. File size: 112MB

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