List of topics tagged "how-to"

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How do I set up SNMP traffic-related monitors?

IPHost supports calculating traffic consumption and speed via SNMP. How do I set up these monitors? Q: New version of IPHost Network Monitor offers traffic volume and speed measurement via SNMP. Could you provide step by step directions on setting up these? A: You can find common monitor parameters descriptions on corresponding online help page. […]

Can we ping 500 devices simultaneously?

If we have 500 devices, does IPHost ping all devices at the same time and log the data? Or does it ping 1 device at a time and log it? Q: We are looking into your product and would like some more information on how your ping monitor works. If we have 500 devices, does […]

How to check a file for presence of given string?

How can I check a file’s content? Q: I need to trigger a specific alert if a file contains certain data. How can I do that? A: Some examples of custom monitors are delivered with IPHost Network Monitor installation. One of them is a script that checks a file content (and extracts specified value from […]

How can I monitor directory size?

How can I monitor a directory size? Q: I need to monitor a directory size (sum of file sizes in the directory). How can I do that? A: Some examples of custom monitors are delivered with IPHost Network Monitor installation. One of them is a program that counts a directory size. This program (dirsize_kb.exe) is […]

How to create a custom monitor?

How to create a custom monitor? Q: None of monitor types available can handle the task. How can I run a program or script of my choice instead? A: Right click on an existing host and select “New Monitor”, then select “Custom monitors” category on the left and “Script or Program” monitor. Select the appropriate […]

Why SMS sent by email are not delivered?

Why don’t I receive SMS sent via email? Q: I receive SMS sent to my SMS-via-email address when using Outlook, but not using your software. How can I find what’s wrong? A. Let’s check all possible reasons step by step. It is assumed your mobile services provider has sent you email-to-SMS gateway email address (it […]

How can I insert host group name into alert message?

How can I insert host group name into alert message? Q: How can I insert host group name into alert message? A: We provide a number of template variables, listed in details on Main parameters tab online help page. We suggest using those variables to make generic text of alerts more informative, for either manual […]

How to set up alerts and reports, if several network cards are installed?

How to set up IPHost alerts/reports, if there are two or more network cards on computer? Q: I have installed IPHostMonitor on a PC with two network cards. One connects to our production network and the other connects to our storage network. My computer is connected to the production network only. I receive notifications from […]

How to send alerts over dial-up line?

How to use dial-up line when working with IPHost alerts? I want to check Internet connectivity problems. Q: Is there any way to connect over a typical modem to get an alert out in case internet connectivity is lost? A: The IPHost itself can not establish modem connection, but you can use an “Execute program” […]

How to get alerted when Windows service changes its state?

Can an alert be sent when a Windows service is stopped and/or started? Q: Can an alert be executed when Windows service changes its state (starts or stops)? A: Yes. You need to create a Windows Service monitor (Windows Service monitoring help) This monitor will be in OK state if service is running and in […]
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