a3ComPortFilterStatus - Port Filter Status - A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-FILTER-MIB

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Port Filter Status

The status column for this filter definition entry. This OBJECT can be set to: active(1) createAndGo(4) createAndWait(5) destroy(6) The following values may be read: active(1) notInService(2) netReady(3). Creation of bridge filter programs can be performed by: 1. Using the build-in editor of the AdminConsole. 2. Using your own line on an external host, and transferring the filter program via the AdminConsole. 3. Using the filter program creation tool on an external host, which builds the filter and transfers it to the LANPlex using SNMP. The transfer is accomplished using the file transfer MIB in the LANPlex system MIB. Setting this object to active(1) is only valid when the current status is active or notInService(2). Setting this object to createAndGo(4) will result in the agent attempt to create and commit the row based on the contents of the objects in the row. If all the necessary information is presented in the row and the values are acceptible to the agent, the agent will change the status to active(1). If there are any necessary objects are not set, the agent will reject the creation request. Setting this object to createAndWait(5) will cause the agent to create a row in this table. This object will change to notInService(2) if all the information is present in the row and the values are acceptible to the agent; otherwise, the agent will set the status to notReady(3). When the state of the row translates to active(1), the agent will add the corresponding filter to the specified packet processing path(s) of the bridge port(s) in a bridge. Setting this object to destroy(6) will remove all corresponding attributes of the filter table.


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