
address_count monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - address_count

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for address count

if Binding Address Count
ifBindingAddrCount (defined in MSIPBOOTP-MIB)
Number of IP address bound to this interface. This is also the number of entries in the Interface Address Table corresponding to this interface.
Sys Bridge Address Table Count
a3ComSysBridgeAddressTableCount (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The current count of addresses in the address table for the bridge identified by this entry.
Sys Bridge Address Table Peak Count
a3ComSysBridgeAddressTablePeakCount (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The peak count of addresses in the address table for the bridge identified by this entry, since the system was last initialized.
Filter Address Group Count
a3ComFilterAddressGroupCount (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-FILTER-MIB)
The count of defined address groups.
Sys Bridge Address Table Count
a3ComSysBridgeAddressTableCount (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
The current count of addresses in the address table for the bridge identified by this entry.
Sys Bridge Address Table Peak Count
a3ComSysBridgeAddressTablePeakCount (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
The peak count of addresses in the address table for the bridge identified by this entry, since the system was last initialized.
sfps L4 CP MAC Address Sub Reference Count
sfpsL4CPMACAddrSubRefCount (defined in ctron-sfps-l4ss-mib)
The number of flow table entries that reference this entry.
Enterasys Load Sharing Network Address Translation Statistics Real Server Access Clients Count
etsysLsnatStatsRealServerAccessClientsCount (defined in enterasys-lsnat-mib)
The number of etsysLsnatRealServerAccessClientEntry in the etsysLsnatRealServerAccessClientTable
Enterasys Load Sharing Network Address Translation Virtual Server Client Count
etsysLsnatVserverClientCount (defined in enterasys-lsnat-mib)
The number of clients configured to the vserver. See etsysLsnatVserverClientTable
Enterasys Load Sharing Network Address Translation Binding Ftp Data Binding Count
etsysLsnatBindingFtpDataBindingCount (defined in enterasys-lsnat-mib)
This object contains the number of associated FTP data channel bindings. This value is only significant if the etsysLsnatBindingAlgType is ftpctrl(2).
Enterasys Nat Pool Address Count
etsysNatPoolAddrCount (defined in enterasys-nat-mib)
The total number of IP addresses assigned to this NAT Pool entry.
Enterasys Vrrp Ext Operation Critical Ip Address Count
etsysVrrpExtOperCriticalIpAddrCount (defined in enterasys-vrrp-extensions-mib)
The number of Critical IP addresses that are associated with this virtual router. This number is equal to the number of rows in the etsysVrrpExtCriticalIpAddrTable that correspond to a given IF index/VRID pair.

MIBs list