
config_port_index monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - config_port_index

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OID list for config port index

dsx1 Port Config Slot Index
dsx1PortConfigSlotIndex (defined in XYLAN-DS1-MIB)
A unique value which identifies this HSM board slot.
dsx1 Port Config Port Index
dsx1PortConfigPortIndex (defined in XYLAN-DS1-MIB)
A unique value which identifies this port.
dsx3 Port Config Slot Index
dsx3PortConfigSlotIndex (defined in XYLAN-DS3-MIB)
A unique value which identifies this HSM board slot.
dsx3 Port Config Port Index
dsx3PortConfigPortIndex (defined in XYLAN-DS3-MIB)
A unique value which identifies this port.
m013 Pppx Config Port Index
m013PppxConfigPortIndex (defined in XYLAN-M013-MIB)
A per-slot unique value which identifies this HDLC logical port.
Cisco 6400NSP Port Config Module1 Index
c64PortConfigModule1Index (defined in CISCO-6400-CHASSIS-MIB)
the port to be configured as the redundancy pair. Its value is obtained from the ciscoLS1010ModuleIndex in ciscoLS1010PortTable.
Cisco 6400NSP Port Config Sub Module1 Index
c64PortConfigSubModule1Index (defined in CISCO-6400-CHASSIS-MIB)
the port to be configured as the redundancy pair. Its value is obtained from ciscoLS1010SubModuleIndex in ciscoLS1010PortTable.
Cisco 6400NSP Port Config Port1 Index
c64PortConfigPort1Index (defined in CISCO-6400-CHASSIS-MIB)
ports to be configured for the redundancy. Its value is obtained from ciscoLS1010PortIndex in ciscoLS1010PortTable.
Cisco 6400NSP Port Config Module2 Index
c64PortConfigModule2Index (defined in CISCO-6400-CHASSIS-MIB)
the port to be configured as the redundancy pair. Its value is obtained from the ciscoLS1010ModuleIndex in ciscoLS1010PortTable.
Cisco 6400NSP Port Config Sub Module2 Index
c64PortConfigSubModule2Index (defined in CISCO-6400-CHASSIS-MIB)
the port to be configured as the redundancy pair. Its value is obtained from the ciscoLS1010SubModuleIndex in ciscoLS1010PortTable.
Cisco 6400NSP Port Config Port2 Index
c64PortConfigPort2Index (defined in CISCO-6400-CHASSIS-MIB)
ports to be configured for the redundancy. Its value is obtained from the ciscoLS1010PortIndex in ciscoLS1010PortTable.
Cisco 6400NSP Port Config Preference Index
c64PortConfigPrefIndex (defined in CISCO-6400-CHASSIS-MIB)
redundancy to be used as prefer port. The value of: primaryPort(1) is telling the system use the port referred by c64PortConfigModule1Index, c64PortConfigSubModule1Index and c64PortConfigPort1Index as preferred port. secondaryPort(2) is to use the port referred by c64PortConfigModule2Index, c64PortConfigSubModule2Index and c64PortConfigPort2Index. The default is primaryPort(1).

MIBs list