connect_port monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - connect_port monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for connect port

atmx Service Vp Cross Connect Low Port Index
atmxSvcVpCrossConnectLowPortIndex (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The incoming slot for this SVC
atmx Service Vp Cross Connect High Port Index
atmxSvcVpCrossConnectHighPortIndex (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The outgoing port for this SVC
atmx Vc Cross Connect Low Port Index
atmxVcCrossConnectLowPortIndex (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The value of this object is equal to the ATM interface port in this slot for this VC cross-connect. The term low implies that this ATM interface has the numerically lower PortIndex value than the other ATM interface identified in the same atmxVcCrossConnectEntry.
atmx Vc Cross Connect High Port Index
atmxVcCrossConnectHighPortIndex (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The value of this object is equal to the ATM interface port in this slot for this VC cross-connect. The term high implies that this VC cross-connect that this ATM interface has the numerically higher slot/port value than the other ATM interface identified in the same atmxVcCrossConnectEntry.
atmx Service Vc Cross Connect Low Port Index
atmxSvcVcCrossConnectLowPortIndex (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The incoming port for this SVC.
atmx Service Vc Cross Connect High Port Index
atmxSvcVcCrossConnectHighPortIndex (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
The outgoing port for this SVC
snmp Fddi PORT Connect State
snmpFddiPORTConnectState (defined in rfc1285)
An indication of the connect state of this PORT. Basically, this gives a higher level view of the state of the connection by grouping PCM states and the PC-Withhold flag state. The supported values and their corresponding PCM states and PC-Withhold condition, when relevant, are: disabled: (PC0:Off, PC9:Maint) connecting: (PC1(Break) || PC3 (Connect) || PC4 (Next) || PC5 (Signal) || PC6 (Join) || PC7 (Verify)) && (PC_Withhold = None) standby: (NOT PC_Withhold == None) active: (PC2:Trace || PC8:Active)
fddimib PORT Connect State
fddimibPORTConnectState (defined in rfc1512)
An indication of the connect state of this PORT and is equal to the value of Connect_State (refer to ANSI 9.4.1)
Cabletron Fnb Port Connect Table
ctFnbPortConnectTable (defined in ctron-csmacd-mib)
This table is used to control port association on ethernet devices. Only those boards that support port switching will be listed in this table.
Cabletron Fnb Port Connect Entry
ctFnbPortConnectEntry (defined in ctron-csmacd-mib)
Describes a specific port connection entry.
Cabletron Fnb Port Connect Board Index
ctFnbPortConnectBoardIndex (defined in ctron-csmacd-mib)
An instance of a board for which this port assignment relationship exists.
Cabletron Fnb Port Connect Port Index
ctFnbPortConnectPortIndex (defined in ctron-csmacd-mib)
An instance of a port for which this assignment relationship exists.
Cabletron Fnb Port Connect Port Assignment
ctFnbPortConnectPortAssignment (defined in ctron-csmacd-mib)
The specific channel that the port is assigned.
Cisco ASP Protocol Port Connect Timer
asppPortConnectTimer (defined in CISCO-ASPP-MIB)
Specifies the maximum amount of time the router will wait for the activation of the tunnel connection to the host to complete. It starts when a terminal requests a session with host.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Peer Port Connect
cdbpPeerPortConnect (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
The connection port this server used to connect to the Diameter peer. If there is no active connection, this value will be zero(0).
Cisco Distributed Director Host Connect Configuration Port
cddHostConnectCfgPort (defined in CISCO-DIST-DIRECTOR-MIB)
A port number, to which a TCP connect test should be performed for each server associated with this host.

MIBs list