if_count monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - if_count

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for if count

if CE Max Hop Count
ifCEMaxHopCount (defined in MSIPBOOTP-MIB)
Each time a BOOTP request is forwarded by the BOOTP relay agent the request packet's hop count is incremented. If the number of hops traversed by the packet exceeds the max hop count configured on a relay agent the request packet is discarded by that relay agent.
if Binding Address Count
ifBindingAddrCount (defined in MSIPBOOTP-MIB)
Number of IP address bound to this interface. This is also the number of entries in the Interface Address Table corresponding to this interface.
if CE Accept Filter Count
ifCEAcceptFilterCount (defined in MSIPRIP2-MIB)
Number of entries in the Accept Filter Table corresponding to this interface entry.
if PS Last Peer Update Tick Count
ifPSLastPeerUpdateTickCount (defined in MSIPRIP2-MIB)
The tick-count in milliseconds at the time of the last RIP RESPONSE received from this peer.
ipx Base If Count
ipxBaseIfCount (defined in MSIPX-MIB)
The number of interfaces known to this instance of IPX.
Compaq Network Interface Card If Log Map Adapter Count
cpqNicIfLogMapAdapterCount (defined in CPQNIC)
The number of physical adapters associated with this logical adapter.
Compaq Network Interface Card If Log Map Adapter OK Count
cpqNicIfLogMapAdapterOKCount (defined in CPQNIC)
The number of physical adapters associated with this logical adapter that have an OK condition.
Cabletron If Port Count
ctIfPortCnt (defined in ctif-ext-mib)
This defines the number of ports on the interface that is being described.
Cabletron Remote Interface Ent Backup If In Use Count
ctRemIntEntBackupIfInUseCnt (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
This object identifies how many other interfaces this interface will backup.
Enterasys Pim Ext If Neighbor Count
etsysPimExtIfNeighborCount (defined in enterasys-pim-ext-mib)
The number of PIM neighbors on this interface.
bsn AP If Dot11 Retry Count
bsnAPIfDot11RetryCount (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
This counter shall increment when an MSDU is successfully transmitted after one or more retransmissions.
bsn AP If Dot11 AC K Failure Count
bsnAPIfDot11ACKFailureCount (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
This counter shall increment when an ACK is not received when expected.
bsn AP If Dot11 Multicast Received Frame Count
bsnAPIfDot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
This counter shall increment when a MSDU is received with the multicast bit set in the destination MAC address.
bsn AP If Dot11 Transmitted Frame Count
bsnAPIfDot11TransmittedFrameCount (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
This counter shall increment for each successfully transmitted MSDU.
Cisco's Airline protocol support If P1024 Max Error Count
alpsIfP1024MaxErrCnt (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
Specifies a maximum error count for this interface. After an ASCU link comes up, if it experiences this number of errors the ASCU link will be shutdown. The default value of 0 results in the ASCU link never being shutdown.
Cisco's Airline protocol support If P1024 Current Error Count
alpsIfP1024CurrErrCnt (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
Reports the number of errors currently existing for this ASCU link. When this equals alpsIfP1024MaxErrCnt then the ASCU link will be shut down, unless alpsIfP1024MaxErrCnt equals 0 in which case the ascu link is never shut down due to error thresholds being exceeded
shared Memory Rm If Output Q Cell Count
sharedMemRmIfOutputQCellCount (defined in CISCO-ATM-RM-MIB)
Count of the number of cells in the output queue.
rts If Cell Count
rtsIfCellCount (defined in CISCO-ATM-RM-MIB)
This object contains the count of cells queued to this interface in the traffic shaping hardware. This object is not instantiated for interfaces to which it cannot be applied.
CISCO CABLE DSG If Ca Vendor Tunnel Count
ccdsgIfCaVendorTunnelCnt (defined in CISCO-CABLE-DSG-IF-MIB)
The total count of Tunnel(s) configured for the CA vendor. The value 0 implies that no tunnel is currently configured for this CA vendor.
Cisco Access Control List QoS If Acl Hit Count Entry
caqIfAclHitCountEntry (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
Each entry indicates the number of hit count at each ACE belonged to an ACL which supports hit count collection at an interface where the ACL is attached.
Cisco Access Control List QoS If Acl Hit Count Acl Name
caqIfAclHitCountAclName (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
Indicates the ACL name which should exist in the ACL tables e.g. in caqIpAceTable. This ACL must be matching the type specified in caqIfAclHitCountAclType in the same row.
Cisco Access Control List QoS If Acl Hit Count Ace Index
caqIfAclHitCountAceIndex (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
The index of an ACE within an ACL.
Cisco Access Control List QoS If Acl Egress Hit Count
caqIfAclEgressHitCount (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
Indicates the number of hit count of this ACE for egress traffic on this interface.
Cisco DOCSIS If Cmts Cable Modem Status Dynamic Sid Count
cdxIfCmtsCmStatusDynSidCount (defined in CISCO-DOCS-EXT-MIB)
The number of active dynamic SIDs on this modem. Prior to getting the assigned the Service Flow IDs(SFID) the CM must must complete a number of protocol transactions. The CMTS assigns a temporary Service ID (SID) to complete these steps.
Cisco Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management Event Lcl If Count
cEtherCfmEventLclIfCount (defined in CISCO-ETHER-CFM-MIB)
The number of local interfaces affected by the event.
Cisco Fibre Element If Login Entry Count
fcIfLoginEntryCount (defined in CISCO-FC-FE-MIB)
The number of login entries in fcIfFLoginTable.
Cisco Fibre Element If Tx Wait Count
fcIfTxWaitCount (defined in CISCO-FC-FE-MIB)
The number of times the FC-port waited due to lack of transmit credits.

MIBs list