SNMP last_status_change monitoring

MIBs list

SNMP last_status_change monitoring

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for last status change

m013 Dsx3 Remote Status Last Change
m013Dsx3RemoteStatusLastChange (defined in XYLAN-M013-MIB)
The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object at the time the Remote DS3/E3 entered its current line status state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the proxy-agent, then this object contains a zero value.
m013 Dsx1 Remote Status Last Change
m013Dsx1RemoteStatusLastChange (defined in XYLAN-M013-MIB)
The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object at the time the Remote DS1 entered its current line status state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the proxy-agent, then this object contains a zero value.
Repeater Group Last Operation Status Change
rptrGroupLastOperStatusChange (defined in rfc1516)
An object that contains the value of sysUpTime at the time that the value of the rptrGroupOperStatus object for this group last changed. A value of zero indicates that the group's operational status has not changed since the agent last restarted.
Cisco Cluster Status Time Of Last Change
ccStatusTimeOfLastChange (defined in CISCO-CLUSTER-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime on the command switch when the last time the value of an instance of ccMemberOperStatus changed. The value 0 indicates that no member's status has ever changed since commander system initialization.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Ha Cluster Last Dmm Status Change Time
cdmsHaClusterLastDmmStatusChangeTime (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
The time-stamp of the most recent occurrence of the status change of a DMM node in this cluster. A status change is defined as a transition in the value of the object 'cdmsHaDmmClusterMemberOperState'.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Ha Cluster Last Dmm Status Change Address Type
cdmsHaClusterLastDmmStatusChangeAddrType (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
This object indicates the type of the network address of the DMM node which changed status most recently in this cluster (represented by the value of 'cdmsHaClusterLastDmmStatusChangeAddress' object). A status change is defined as a transition in the value of the object 'cdmsHaDmmClusterMemberOperState'.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Ha Cluster Last Dmm Status Change Address
cdmsHaClusterLastDmmStatusChangeAddress (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
The network address of the DMM node which changed status most recently in this cluster. The type of address of an instance of this object is determined by the value of the corresponding instance of 'cdmsHaClusterLastDmmStatusChangeAddrType' object.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Ha Cluster Last Vp Status Change Time
cdmsHaClusterLastVpStatusChangeTime (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
The time-stamp of the most recent occurrence of the status change of a video portal node in this cluster. A status change is defined as a transition in the value of the object 'cdmsHaVpClusterMemberOperState'.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Ha Cluster Last Vp Status Change Cluster
cdmsHaClusterLastVpStatusChangeCluster (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
The administrative label of the video portal cluster in which a video portal node changed its state most recently.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Ha Cluster Last Status Change Vp Address Type
cdmsHaClusterLastStatusChangeVpAddrType (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
This object indicates the type of the network address of the VP node which changed status most recently in this cluster (represented by the value of 'cdmsHaClusterLastVpStatusChangeAddress' object). A status change is defined as a transition in the value of the object 'cdmsHaVpClusterMemberOperState'.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Ha Cluster Last Vp Status Change Vp Address
cdmsHaClusterLastVpStatusChangeVpAddress (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
The network address of the video portal node which changed status most recently in this cluster. The type of address of an instance of this object is determined by the value of the corresponding instance of 'cdmsHaClusterLastVpStatusChangeAddrType' object.
Cisco Entity Field Replaceable Unit Control Module Status Last Change Time
cefcModuleStatusLastChangeTime (defined in CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime at the time the cefcModuleOperStatus is changed.
HP ICF Vg Group Last Operation Status Change
icfVgGroupLastOperStatusChange (defined in hp-icf)
An object that contains the value of sysUpTime at the time that the value of the icfVgGroupOperStatus object for this group last changed. A value of zero indicates that the group's operational status has not changed since the agent last restarted.
HP ICF Vg Group Last Operation Status Change
icfVgGroupLastOperStatusChange (defined in hpprocurve-icfvg)
An object that contains the value of sysUpTime at the time that the value of the icfVgGroupOperStatus object for this group last changed. A value of zero indicates that the group's operational status has not changed since the agent last restarted.
HP ICF Vg Group Last Operation Status Change
icfVgGroupLastOperStatusChange (defined in hpprocurve-v2-icfvg)
An object that contains the value of sysUpTime at the time that the value of the icfVgGroupOperStatus object for this group last changed. A value of zero indicates that the group's operational status has not changed since the agent last restarted.
cmed Gateway Last Status Change
cmedGatewayLastStatusChange (defined in CISCO-IETF-MEGACO-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime at the time the associated link entered its current operational status. If the current status was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
Adtran Gen AOS Network Monitor Time Since Last Status Change
adGenAOSnmTimeSinceLastStatusChange (defined in ADTRAN-AOS-NETWORKMONITOR)
Time since last status change.

MIBs list