
port_group_status monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - port_group_status

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for port group status

Filter Port Group Status
a3ComFilterPortGroupStatus (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-FILTER-MIB)
The status column for this port group entry. This OBJECT can be set to: createAndGo(4) destroy(6) The following values may be read: active(1) Setting this object to createAndGo(4) will result in the agent attempting to create and commit the row based on the contents of the objects in the row. If all the necessary information is presented in the row and the values are acceptible to the agent, the agent will change the status to active(1). If there are any necessary objects are not set, the agent will reject the creation request. When the state of the row translates to active(1), the agent add the corresponding port to the specified port group. Setting this object to destroy(6) will remove the corresponding port group and its mask from the port group table.
Enterasys Cos Transmit Queue Port Group Row Status
etsysCosTxqPortGroupRowStatus (defined in enterasys-class-of-service-mib)
This object allows for the dynamic creation and deletion of entries within the etsysCosTxqPortTypeTable. Entries within this table MUST be considered non-volatile and MUST be maintained across entity resets. When this object's value is active(1) the specified dot1dBridge ports listed in the etsysCosTxqPortGroupList shall be removed from etsysCosTxqPortGroupUnselectedPorts. A row in transition to the active(1) state will have its port group list validated before activation. A port list that cannot be made active MUST result in the row state to become notReady(3) and no configuration action will be taken for this row. Rows not in the active(1) state SHALL NOT be persisted across entity resets and MUST return the ports from its port group list to the etsysCosTxqPortGroupUnselectedPorts. When this object's value is set to destroy(6) from an active(1) state, all ports contained in etsysCosTxqPortList shall be returned to the etsysCosTxqPortGroupUnselectedPorts and all entries referencing this row shall be removed as well.
Enterasys Cos Inbound Rate Limiting Port Group Row Status
etsysCosIrlPortGroupRowStatus (defined in enterasys-class-of-service-mib)
This object allows for the dynamic creation and deletion of entries within the etsysCosIrlPortGroupTable. Entries within this table MUST be considered non-volatile and MUST be maintained across entity resets. When this object's value is active(1) the specified dot1dBridge ports listed in the PortGroupList shall be removed from UnselectedPorts. A row in transition to the active(1) state will have its port group list validated before activation. A port list that cannot be made active MUST result in the row state to become notReady(3) and no configuration action will be taken for this row. Rows not in the active(1) state SHALL NOT be persisted across entity resets and MUST return the ports from its port group list to the etsysCosIrlPortTypeUnselectedPorts. When this object's value is set to destroy(6) from an active(1) state, all dot1dBridge ports contained in etsysCosIrlPortGroupList shall be returned to the etsysCosIrlPortTypeUnselectedPorts and all entries referencing this row shall be removed as well.
Enterasys Cos Outbound Rate Limiter Port Group Row Status
etsysCosOrlPortGroupRowStatus (defined in enterasys-class-of-service-mib)
This object allows for the dynamic creation and deletion of entries within the etsysCosOrlPortGroupTable. Entries within this table MUST be considered non-volatile and MUST be maintained across entity resets. When this object's value is active(1) the specified dot1dBridge ports listed in the PortGroupList shall be removed from UnselectedPorts. A row in transition to the active(1) state will have its port group list validated before activation. A port list that cannot be made active MUST result in the row state to become notReady(3) and no configuration action will be taken for this row. Rows not in the active(1) state SHALL NOT be persisted across entity resets and MUST return the ports from its port group list to the etsysCosOrlPortTypeUnselectedPorts. When this object's value is set to destroy(6) from an active(1) state, all dot1dBridge ports contained in etsysCosOrlPortGroupList shall be returned to the etsysCosOrlPortTypeUnselectedPorts and all entries referencing this row shall be removed as well.
Enterasys Cos Flood Control Port Group Row Status
etsysCosFloodCtrlPortGroupRowStatus (defined in enterasys-class-of-service-mib)
This object allows for the dynamic creation and deletion of entries within the etsysCosFloodCtrlPortGroupTable. Entries within this table MUST be considered non-volatile and MUST be maintained across entity resets. When this object's value is active(1) the specified dot1dBridge ports listed in the PortGroupList shall be removed from UnselectedPorts. A row in transition to the active(1) state will have its port group list validated before activation. A port list that cannot be made active MUST result in the row state to become notReady(3) and no configuration action will be taken for this row. Rows not in the active(1) state SHALL NOT be persisted across entity resets and MUST return the ports from its port group list to the etsysCosFloodCtrlPortTypeUnselectedPorts. When this object's value is set to destroy(6) from an active(1) state, all dot1dBridge ports contained in etsysCosFloodCtrlPortGroupList shall be returned to the etsysCosFloodCtrlPortTypeUnselectedPorts and all entries referencing this row shall be removed as well.
Enterasys Port Web Authentication Port Status Group
etsysPwaPortStatusGroup (defined in enterasys-pwa-mib)
The status of all login information on a per ifIndex basis can be obtained here.
port Select Group Status
portSelGrpStatus (defined in ATM-RMON-MIB)
The status of this row. An entry may not exist in the active state unless all objects in the entry have an appropriate value. No objects are required to be written prior to the row being set to active(1). However, all portSelTable entries which are to be included in collections on behalf of this portSelectGroup, must be completely configured and activated before this object is set to active(1), since the associated instances of portSelStatus cannot be modified once this object has been set to active(1). If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated data collections shall be deleted (e.g., any associated collections in the atmStats, atmHostTable or atmMatrixSDTable). Note that associated portSelTable and any configured collection control entries (e.g., atmHostControlTable) are not deleted when this entry leaves the active state.

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