port_management_entry monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - port_management_entry

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for port management entry

sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Trap Management Entry
sfcsBwPortPoolTrapMgmtEntry (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Each entry contains
Token Ring Port Management Entry
tRingPortMgmtEntry (defined in dot5-log-mib)
A list of port management objects which pertains to a single instance of a port in a port group residing on this ring.
dot5 Physical Management Port Common Entry
dot5PhysMgmtPortCommonEntry (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
A list of managed objects which pertains to a single instance of a token ring port physically residing on a MIM board resident in a chassis with this device.
dot5 Physical Management Port Station Entry
dot5PhysMgmtPortStnEntry (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
A list of managed objects which pertains to a single instance of a token ring station port residing on a MIM board resident in a chassis with this device.
dot5 Physical Management Port Ring Entry
dot5PhysMgmtPortRingEntry (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
A list of managed objects which pertains to a single instance of a token ring ring port residing on a MIM board resident in a chassis with this device.
switch Port Management Entry
switchPortMgtEntry (defined in els100-s24tx2m-mib)
An entry in the table, containing information about configuration in one switch port of the switch.
Repeater Port Group Management Entry
rptrPortGrpMgmtEntry (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
An entry containing objects pertaining to port management for a port group.
Repeater Port Management Entry
rptrPortMgmtEntry (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
An entry containing objects pertaining to port management for a port.
Enterasys Pse Port Power Management Entry
etsysPsePortPowerManagementEntry (defined in enterasys-power-ethernet-mib-ext-mib)
A set of objects that display and control the power consumption of a PSE, at the port level.
Cisco 90i Management Port Entry
frxMgtPortEntry (defined in CISCO-90-MIB)
A specific entry in the Cisco 90 Series Management Port Table. There is one entry for each port on each Cisco 90 Series channel unit in the system. There are no entries for unused banks or empty channel unit slots.

MIBs list